Wire frame 3D design for the real world: Trippy as hell

We’ve all seen what 3D render artists go through designing a graphic on the computer. With all of the wire framing and pixel by pixel intricacy, it seems like a job that’s heavily focused on a close eye. Most of us don’t have an eye for such detail, but at least we can look like we do. These amazingly designed ...

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Drag-n-drop files between 2 PCs, no drivers needed!

The Windows Vista has been launched, but we all wonder what good it does. A fancier interface so that our computers can run slower? More bugs so that we can engage in the perpetual cycle of updating the system? There is at least one good new feature on the Vista that a lot of people have thought about but never ...

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Hey, where’d our plasma go? Ahh…conveniently under the bed

Plasma TVs can really be a distraction when, ahem, other bedroom activities are going on. How can anyone concentrate fully when theirs a hockey game on in plasma quality? We know we couldn’t! It’s time you pimped out your baby making room and get yourself this distraction eliminator. The MK1 Studio Underbed Lift, conveniently lowers your plasma snuggly under your ...

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Almost feels like teleporting… almost

Japanese company Frepar has announced the commercialization of their almost-teleporting communicate-Pod. What this thing does is that it allows the real-time teleporting of full 3D image of objects between both parties, so essentially it “looks” like teleporting. When you want to show your friend your new hamster, simply place it on the Sci-fi looking device, let it walk around in ...

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Review: Chestnut Hill Sound George

Having a Rolling Stone on your team of developers is a sure sign to success right? Not necessarily in the iPod accessory market. Chestnut Hill Sound’s new George joins the slew of iPod dock/speakers with one feature that will blow you away. It’s way to interface with your iPod is a simple display with buttons…that detaches from the unit! Check ...

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Fujitsu sells water-proof phone in a tub

What da heck right? Yeah, what da heck, but that’s what fujitsu did at the press conference this morning, having the F703i phone ringing in the tub with a model, just to let the world know how important and beautiful it is to have a waterproof phone. “Moshi moshi!” We feel sorry for her- hopefully she’s paid well. Oh yeah, ...

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Jetart NP7600W laptop cooler integrates USB for added fuctionality

Laptop cooling pads are nothing new. They all seem to do the same thing in just a slightly different way. In this case, there really is something to differentiate itself from the competition. The Jetart NP7600W Aluminum Notebook Cooler has two 2,300RPM cooling fans as well as four USB ports. This works on multiple levels. Say you just bought an ...

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Toshiba forgets about next-gen DVD with two new DVD players

Are you completely sick and tired of hearing about the constant battle between what companies are supporting Blu-ray or HD-DVD? Well, even though toshiba is decidedly HD-DVD, they have just released two DVD or HDD players. In interesting part (and a disadvantage to some) is that they have no support for either Blu-ray or HD-DVD. The two models are named ...

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Flying car by 2009? Well, we’re getting there.

The Seattle Times writes a profile of Israeli conceptualist, Rafi Yoeli, the designer of a new concept called the X-Hawk. While the X-Hawk might not be the flying car we originally envisioned it’s a step in the right direction. The X-Hawk is being designed as a urban rescue vehicle, designed in the wake of the Hurricane Katrina disaster in New ...

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