A stoke can disable someones life. Motor function gets dowgraded, coordination goes out the window, and muscle strength disappears along with the nerve strength. This swiss rehab system, the Lokomat, is a treadmill with robot-assisted lower extremities. Made by Hocoma, the Locomat has shown beneficial for post-stroke victims who have found weakening in their leg muscles. In a recent study, ...
Read More »Digital Drawer encourages your kids to draw on wall
[ev type=”youtube” data=”b146_atvG4g”][/ev] Anyone with a blooming child knows that little doodles are bound to pop up on your wall at some point. Philips has developed a digital drawing gadget that not only allows children to color on walls, but encourages is it with his non-mess gizmo. The multicolor paintbrush, or “magic wand”, can be dipped into a digital paint ...
Read More »DoCoMo and McDonalds join hands in Japan
Two of Japan’s largest companies and now, oddly paired partners, have joined together in corporate harmony to bring the Japanese public the best of bytes and burgers. This 300 million yen joint agreement will promote the use of DoCoMo’s IC-card e-cash phones in McDonalds’ through out the country of Japan. This agreement will work in conjunction with McDonalds new “membership ...
Read More »Yummy Kitchen Connect for food blogging and recipe sharing
Food and recipe blogs have become an underrated force in the blogging world. The Yummy Kitchen Connect, an entry in the Microsoft / IDSA Design Competition, might win the food talk a little extra recognition. We’ve seen some really cool kitchen design in the past, but the Yummy might be the most usable of the bunch for every day life. ...
Read More »Meizu rips off Windows Vista, after iPhone and iPod nano
Meizu (the Chinese company famous for ripping off other people’s designs and making them work better than the original) has done it again. After taking inspiration from the iPod nano and the iPhone, Microsoft is not spared either. But really, this time is just a soft rip-off, since it’s Meizu’s skin hacked by Meizu fans to make it look like ...
Read More »Tip: tackling worn-out Fast Port connectors on SonyEricsson phones
The SonyEricsson K750 and W800 are one of the most readily seen phones on streets nowadays, they’re pretty good phones really, the Walkman and camera both work reasonably well. The biggest problem with SonyEricsson phones is that the “Fast Port” (for charger/data/headset connection) is not the most well-designed, since you’re attaching everything to same port, it tends to wear out ...
Read More »Rumor: iPhone to play World of Warcraft
Here’s a little piece straight off of the rumor mill. A source is saying that the Apple iPhone will be enabled to play the number one PC game of the last few years, World of Warcraft. The iPhone, which is poised to be a revolutionary handheld, would be the first mobile phone of its kind. The source says “Steve goes ...
Read More »Chinese beverage label with crazy Mario clone
If Mario gained double his body weight and if Yoshi grew horn-like ears, you’d have something like the logo on this Chinese beverage label. It’s just hilarious at what lengths companies will go to flee from copyright infringement, but still keep a recognizable symbol. Just look at Mario’s chubby cheeks and his fireman helmet. And poor Yoshi with those things ...
Read More »Windows-powered ATM just got served!
Why would an ATM be running Windows? Who knows! Using a cheap ATM at a movie cinema, Blogger Melissa from Melissatogo, totally pwns and serves this Windows powered device. Oh, Snap! Ok, enough with the out of fashion teenage colloquialisms. This makes us extremely insecure about using ATM’s now. Or at least any ATM’s located anywhere other than a bank. ...
Read More »2004 Olympic Hybrid Runner: The Genius of Koichiro Tsujikawa
[ev type=”youtube” data=”Rwtu77p4U_w”][/ev] A self-taught surreal video producer, Koichiro Tsujikawa was commissioned by Panasonic for the 2004 Olympics to make this forgotten video. Tsujikawa’s videos are always unique. He is also known for doing music videos for electronic band, Cornelius, with stop-motion video effects. This video was just too cool to pass up. Check out this half runner, half motorized ...
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