Elton John knew what he was talking about. Now any rich man can be a rocket man with the help of the Rocket Belt. For $250,000 you can own your own George Jetson style Rocket Belt with a bunch of fringe benefits. Just don’t forget to “pack your bags that night, pre-flight”. Along with having a custom made Rocket Belt ...
Read More »Laugh of the Day: Bill Gates finally getting a Harvard degree, only 34 years late
Jailbird and corporate genius Bill Gates, after dropping out of Harvard decades ago, is finally receiving an honorary degree from the prestigious university. Gates would have been part of the class of 1977 if he had not dropped out to start up Microsoft. He’s what we like to call a college sell out. So, only late by 34 years, Gates ...
Read More »Janitor robot is tired of you messy humans
There are three different types of janitors. There are the ones that seem to be constantly grumpy and growl obscenities under their breath, the eccentric ones with a heart of gold, and now there is this nameless robotic janitor, simply called a Multipurpose Network Service Robot. The robot janitor is no everyday dust vacuum. It also comes equipped with a ...
Read More »DIY: Rusty nail LED night light
It’s not so much that we are scared of the dark, but that we love DIY gadgets. Yeah…that’s the reason we’re discussing this project. This cool rusty nail LED night light was made with a technical ingenuity seen only through reruns of MacGyver. We realize CAT 5 wire isn’t something most people have lying around their house, but if you ...
Read More »A commercial jet that will get you from D.C. to Tokyo in 2 hours
We all hate long flights. We always wind up sitting next to the vomiting baby whose parents are those people you’ve heard about that need more than one seat to fit comfortably, yet only pay for one, slyly overflowing into your seat. Hypersonic jets might one day make those torturous 20-hour flights pleasant 2-hour jump. Hypersonic jets soar faster then ...
Read More »Watch My Wrist: A Netflix-like service for watches
Netflix became a national phenomenon when it launched its service as an online movie rental service. Now the same type of system is being created for wrist gadgets, otherwise known as watches. Watch My Wrist is essentially a designer watch rental service. If you want to get some ooh’s and ahh’s at parties or some fashion props from your friends, ...
Read More »Chinese mouse is also a tablet device
Chinese company Hanwang has created this intuitive gadget that is a classic case of a mash up device. It combines the pointing device feature of a mouse, and a tablet feature which can be controlled through a stylus and recognizes handwriting. Chinese characters can be written directly onto the dragon pad using a stylus hidden in the mouse. This mouse ...
Read More »Vibe Space Gate: The incredible 38,800-watt bass tunnel
You know that feeling you get when a heavy bass song comes on and you’re in range of a sub-woofer? It’s almost like a strong wind that passes through your sinus passages into your brain. Imagine this feeling, times a lot. The Vibe Space Gate, a 38,800-watt bass tunnel, features 36 Space II subs with a collection of 16 amps. ...
Read More »Japanese graphic art delivered to your cellphone
Fans of the Japanese form of graphic art have become a world wide occurrence. In Japan, it’s more than just a hobby, it’s life. A new service called ComCom, also known as Com2, by Japanese publisher Shinchosha, will deliver around 200 pages a month of the best in Japanese graphic art, directly to subscriber’s cellphones. These art publications are not ...
Read More »New Wii bowling game takes on real bowling with a more realistic look
Brunswick Pro Bowling, a new game for the Nintendo Wii, is set to take on the ever popular Wii Bowling. In terms of realistic bowling gaming, Brunswick’s graphics seem to win the competition hands down, but does more realistic bowler mania translate to more fun? Brunswick aims to give gamers a realistic bowling center experience, along with realistic looking characters ...
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