Asus Aquatank:The GeForce 8800GTX cooling solution

Asus has announced its Aquatank graphics card. A new option for cooling an overclocked GeForce 8800GTX card with a water cooling method. The new Aquatank is said to run 12 degrees cooler then a reference thermal module. The Aquatank clears out warm water from an overclocking 8800GTX, enabling the GeForce graphics to be up to 11 percent faster then when ...

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Japanese glasses give a dose of electric vibration to wake your lazy self up

Japanese glasses makers Vision Megane, display another great and kinda scary Japanese invention. Customers now have the option of adding a small vibrating device to the frames. The idea itself is a decent one. When your head tilts forward, the glasses take that motion to mean that you are losing focus. The sensor sits right behind the ear so that ...

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Thanko USB Wiimote Charger

Thanko Japan’s USB Wiimote Charger is something many gamers have been waiting for. Having to go out to the store to buy new batteries twice a week just isn’t cutting it for us Wii players. The USB Charger comes with a cradle, a special Nickel battery, and a battery cover compatible with the charger. The charger works on any USB ...

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Jobsisms: Apple CEO Steve Jobs on a presentation loop

[ev type=”youtube” data=”QOVRgVPrGlQ”][/ev] If you have wondered why Steve Jobs is such an engaging public speaker, maybe you should check out this video. We’re sure those key power words have a big part of his speaking nature. Well, they must. From this video you’d think they were the only words he ever says. Unbelievable. Pretty cool huh? Wouldn’t it be ...

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So, what IS stopping Jobs from removing DRM from iTunes?

Today on the official Apple news blog, Steve Jobs writes about Apple’s involvement with DRM on songs sold from iTunes. Jobs says that Apple would jump at the chance for DRM-free music, but won’t for one major reason. Steve Jobs expresses how if Apple were to remove the DRM liscensing, the four major music companies would pull their music from ...

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Ramos Q13 iPod Nano clone, how close is too close?

Can points be given for near perfect replication of a super-star media player? Probably not, but Ramos still did a very nice job with the Q13 and making the closest thing to a Nano close we’ve seen. It has the rounded sides, the 1.5-inch LCD (with a resolution of 176×132), video support, and the 1GB flash drive to boot. Unfortunately, ...

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MPNavi Tomato U7 gives you a 1.6″ screen to read ebooks

Useless features are what sell products, right? Probably not, but no one ever told the folks at MPNavi about that little fact. Their new Tomato U7 it quite small, and looks nothing like a tomato (thank god), but let’s have a rundown of features. It has a voice recorder, FM tuner, e-book reader, equalizer, photo album, games, and supports MP3, ...

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Nokia N-Gage 2.0? Say it isn’t so!

We hoped that when Gizmondo went under, the N-Gage device from Nokia would follow suit. And for all intensive purposes, it did. Or so we thought. Word is spreading from the Nokia N-Gage official blog that the N-Gage 2.0 is coming. Word to Nokia: If you are going to release another multi-funtional device, fine, but don’t give it the same ...

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New footage of flOw, pretty as ever

flOw, it’s that game that Sony promised for the launch of the PS3, that looked so amazing, and wound up getting pushed back to the end of February. Now, it’s not like anyone was too suprised by this (sadly), but if this game is pushed back again, they had better give away a free movie with it when it comes ...

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Western Digital kicks USB 2.0 in the ass and brings in eSATA

The external hard drive market has done fairly well lately, but there has always been that problem of the USB 2.0 speeds. USB is fine when transfering a few photos or the likes, but what about when you want to move gigabytes of movies? USB just doesn’t cut it. The new Western Digial My Book drive integrates what is called ...

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