
Walking Through Minecraft In VR

If you are a regular Minecraft player, you know that the single feature which defines the game and makes it into one that can easily compete with the next-gen graphics of today is the procedural universe it is set in. Every map that you have ever created is unique to all the others, and there have always been infinite options ...

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5 Reasons Why Virtual Reality (VR) Will Take Over the World

Virtual reality (VR) has finally arrived and it is about to take the world by storm, changing the way we game, shop, and interact online. Long an idea seemingly destined to be trapped in the pages of sci-fi books and futurist magazines, virtual reality is a dream no longer. Virtual reality (VR) is finally here, and it is promising to ...

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Where Does Hollywood Draw Its Inspiration From?

Hollywood is an industry that thrives on telling stories, creating characters, and inventing worlds, and while some of its most memorable moments have been truly original and enchanting works, many of the films that it makes take their inspiration from elsewhere. Whether it’s dialogue from the page of a storybook, a frame from a comic, or a moment of epic ...

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4 Reasons to encourage Your Teenage Daughter to Play Video Games

Despite the video games industry being one of the most prosperous industries in the world, there exists a large gap between how players of different genders are perceived in the society. Teenage girls are still discouraged to play these games because they’re mostly directed for boys. Because of some faulty researches connecting violent mindsets to video games, many parents also ...

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Gaming on Apple TV Just Got Serious With the Introduction of the SteelSeries Nimbus

When Apple unveiled the new Apple TV and told us all its capabilities, the key ones being it would support gaming they overlooked to mention that certain made for iDevice gamepad controllers would be compatible with the device. So when SteelSeries announced the brand new Nimbus gamepad controller built specifically for Apple TV many people were certainly surprised, but it’s ...

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Total War-Warhammer Brings Heroes and Monsters to Battle

Coming for the developers “The Creative Assembly”, the Total War- Warhammer is a real time and turn based game specially designed for the war fantasizing people. Latest edition of the Total war series brings your favourite Heroes, just like Heroes Charge for PC and deadly monsters together in the same battlefield, which is totally different from its previous releases. However in Heroes ...

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Why Simple Isn’t Making A Comeback In Gaming – It Never Fell Out Of Grace

Gaming has become insanely complex. We now have the computing power and graphic chips to support games that were unimaginable a decade ago. With all this mouse-power under the hoods of computers, games are now detailed and reasoned to the rim. Multiple plot scenarios are awaiting the player’s decision and reacting in real time. Visually, they are breathtaking, bordering on ...

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The Most Common Minecraft Mod Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

One of the reasons that Minecraft is so popular with all ages is that it allows players to create a completely custom experience. Whether you’re a newbie just trying to learn the basics of writing code, or an experienced coder who wants to test the limits of your skills, Minecraft is a great place to test the waters. Minecraft allows ...

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The Bright Future of i-Gaming

Ever since the first online gambling sites sprouted within the heady climate of the late-1990s internet industry, i-gaming has blossomed into one of the most enjoyed, most lucrative forms of internet-based entertainment in the world. Today, hundreds of millions of players bet and win enormous sums of money every day, so much so that in 2015 the worldwide online gaming ...

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