Sony Ericsson W200 beats your iPod at playback lifetime

So maybe this new Sony Ericsson W200 will only carry 27MB of built-in storage, but its battery life of an estimated 18 hour playback battery life puts your iPod to shame. Don’t worry about the 27MB internal, you can put a Memory Stick Micro card into it and expand to however large a card you want. As far as file ...

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Fridge doors that open from either side

We never understand the Japanese passion for refrigerators, they seem to come up with a lot of weird ideas that when you think about them, might be really handy. Sharp’s fridges might not be the bestselling, but they’re surely capturing a lot of attention on their fridge doors. These new 300 Liter (volume) fridges are equipped with “Docchimo-doa” fridge doors ...

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Japanese firemen and policemen dance for light

Don’t you just hate it when flashlights run out of battery? The natural thing to do would be turning it off and shaking it, hoping that the chemical paste in there will somehow mix and squeeze a few drops of juice left. Japanese company Daisaku-shoji is selling this battery-free flashlight that can shine for a good 20 minutes with half ...

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Memorex announces 12GB Mega TravelDrive

Today at CES Memorex unveiled their new 12GB Mega TravelDrive, a monster in the field of USB drives. While this looks a little big to be carrying around on your keychain, the 12GB is more than enough to transfer all the files you want in a single trip. The 1 inch drive is encased in a silver case about the ...

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Forget Bocci: Old-Timers turn to the Wii for family fun

The image above says it all. The line between gaming, culture, and age has been broken thanks to the Wii and its ability to draw in all crowds from every demographic. And with the Wii Sports features of bowling and table tennis, how could a senior resist? All the exercise without any of the harmful UV rays. What more could ...

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Samsung to release Simpsons movie collectible phone: Mmm…gadgets

Samsung doesn’t know what they’re getting themselves into. With the news of their The Simpsons Movie collectible cell phone, every Pop Culture nut is going to be jumping for joy in his MC Hammer moon pants and Roo’s sneakers. The plan of a Simpson’s movie has been in the works by Fox as far back as I can remember. The ...

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Sony shows 1cm thin fully-assembled HD OLED displays

    We’ve seen OLED around for ages, but we have never seen them really mass-marketed to substitute LCDs, they’re only found on the external screens of certain mobile phones, or small digital audio devices. Sony is keeping us drooling at again by showing fully-assembled 1cm thin OLED displays at CES this year, the largest one measuring 27″ diagonally, with ...

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Verizon LG-VX9400 released at CES

With a new cellphone being released by LG almost every week in Korea it seems, everyone wonders when LG will come out with the next amazing phone. Well here it is folks: the LG-VX9400. This bad boy will have all of the basics, such as 1.3 megapixel camera, mp3 capability, and Bluetooth. Since this is going to be a Verizon ...

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New Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 CPU released

Late last year Intel released the Q6700, their brand new baby that was a Core 2 Quad (not duo) and had a clock speed of 2.66 GHz. So what is the difference between the Q6700 and the brand new Q6600, well, other than 100, there is a difference in clock speed of .26Ghz. The new Q6600 runs at 2.4Ghz intsead ...

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LG officially releases dual format HD-DVD BluDisc player

Remember last week, all of the news stories of a new LG DVD player that had broken the barrier that stood between the new next gen DVD formats? That player, the BH100, has officially been released at CES. Any new news? Yes, they also announced that there will be a drive for the PC released also due in Q1 of ...

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