Microwave home-made potato chips!

  We hardly ever make potato chips at home, the furthest we can go is probably french-fries. It’s such a hassle to make them (fries come in frozen packs, but hardly do we ever see chips), it’s fattening and you’ll have to do the oily dish washing.  Japanese company Akebono has developed this Microwave Potato Chips Kit that gives you ...

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What says “I Love You” better than a Valentines Halo shirt?

If you wind up buying one of these Valentine’s Day Halo tee shirts, be prepared for the, “Who’s Master Chief? Is that some Native American thing? I thought you were Italian.” This is how you know whether the person you are talking to has any knowledge of any video games within the last 5 years. Now, don’t expect the ladies ...

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Intel makes first eighty core processor for Tera technology

For the emerging digital trend of the Terabyte, computer scientists are realizing that if there are going to be terabyte sized applications, theres a need for a processing chip that can handle that amount of information. The Intel R&D department have made a chip that has eighty, thats right, eighty processing cores. The chip can perform more then a trillion ...

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DishMaker: Why clean your plates when you can just make new ones?

We hate, hate, hate chores. It takes precious time away from our gadgetry life. Hmm, if there was just a way to mix the two together. *sigh* But hope is not lost! We’ve come across this amazing contraption designed by Leonardo Bonanni. The DishMaker totally eliminates the need for cleaning your dishes. Using the wonders of the properties of acrylic, ...

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Atari Wall Hooks: Bringing back the joystick

Talk about nostalgia. These Hang & Play Atari Wall Hooks bring back a lot of memories of a lot of sleepless nights in front of my 13-inch TV. And what a cool piece of decoration and design to showcase in your home. Make your house reflect who you are. And who are we? We are nerds. Through and through. Which ...

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A Weemote for the wee kiddies

Not to be confused with the Nintendo “Wiimote”, the Weemote is a remote control made especially for the kiddies. Should we really be promoting the television watching habits of children? Come on, go play outside or something. But despite our opinion of children getting off their asses, the Weemote could be good if it fits your need. If you have ...

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Fold yourself an Origami Robot

Can’t afford a actual robot? Don’t worry, either can we. But why put your family through the shame of not living up to your technological duties? Check out the Origami Robot from Mr. Torimoto’s SolidWorks. It might not be able to fetch you your mail or cook you a dinner, but it sure as hell would look cool sitting on ...

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Banana guard protects your… eh, banana

A banana is the best fruit for lazy people, you don’t have to wash it and you don’t need any tools to peel the skin. The annoying thing about bananas is that they’re so prone to bruising. Even the slightest bump can turn your banana dark, you won’t always be able to pick that up from the outside, but give ...

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150 Lionsgate films added to iTunes video section

Good news for anyone who uses the iTunes Media Store to buy their digital videos: Lionsgate films are now available! It looks like Steve is still working on the major studios and their stupid reasons for not offering their videos online. With the addition of over 150 movies, the video section of the Media Store has now hit about 400 ...

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