Many technology experts believe Apple has been one of the most innovative companies in the early 21st century. This is not a flawed argument; if you want to jump into the archives, it’s right up there alongside Microsoft in the 1990s and Ford in the 1920s. More recently, Nvidia has soared past Apple in terms of tech valuation and innovation ...
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What to Look for in a Trusted Apple Parts Supplier
Choosing a reliable supplier for Apple parts is a top priority for device owners and repair professionals. Collaborating with unreliable companies can result in low-quality parts, long delivery times, and other issues. To avoid this, it is essential to consider several key factors. In this article, we will discuss in detail what to look for when selecting an Apple parts ...
Read More »Why Some Businesses Choose Apple Products
Business owners have a variety of choices when selecting the technology to run their business, which includes issuing devices to employees. Despite the many options, a large number of companies choose Apple products, and for some, it’s exclusive. For example, it’s pretty common for large companies to issue iPhones to employees. People who receive company iPhones are usually required to ...
Read More »How To Get Snapchat on Apple Watch?
If there’s one thing that distinguishes Apple wearables from its competitors, it is their set of unique features. The latest Apple Watch and its updates enable users to download and use various social media platforms. You will no longer have 24×7 access to your iPhone to use Snapchat. You can maintain your streaks comfortably via your Apple Watch as well. ...
Read More »Guide For Installing Xfinity Stream App On Apple TV
The choice and taste of watching entertainment shows have seen a drastic shift in recent years. Gone are the days when kids and elders used to sit in front of the television at a fixed time to watch soap operas streamed by the cable operators. With the advent of time people, today are choosing streaming apps where one can find ...
Read More »Apple music is teaming up with AR Rehman’s music school to open Mac labs
Both Apple and A.R. Rehman are the biggest brands in their own fields. It is very interesting to know see the amalgamation of two of them. Yes, you heard it right Apple music is going to team up with A.R Rahman’s music school to open Mac labs. But before knowing about the main topic let us know about A.R Rehman ...
Read More »Could Embarrassment Be Behind The Legal Battle Behind The FBI And Apple?
There is so much conflicting information about the case between the FBI and Apple it is hard to know what is truth, what is fiction, and what is fabrication. Many are bashing Apple, insisting that it is their “American duty” to help the FBI to keep us safe from would-be terrorists, while others on the opposite side accolade Apple for ...
Read More »6 Frustrations You Could Face With Your Apple Update
A new iPhone is released and everyone waits in line during a hurricane for a week to get one. But when an Apple update comes out, people act as if the update could wipe out human civilization. There’s no need to fear the latest update. We have found simple fixes for the six most common complaints about the new iOS9 ...
Read More »Don’t Bin Your Favourite Apple Gadgets
If you are an Apple fan, the chances are that you have been for some time. Almost from the get go Apple got consumers hooked on their products. There are homes out there that have relied on Apple gadgets for two decades or more. This means that you are quite likely to have several old Apple gadgets rattling around in ...
Read More »Most Popular Free Apps in Apple Store Right Now
Apple iTunes Store is updated on daily basis with cool as well as boring iOS apps. Some of them have to be purchased, while others are available to users for free. Even though classic apps such as Facebook, Instagram and Messenger will always be among the top free apps featured in the Apple Store, there is a good deal of ...
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