
No Longer Living In The Past

If you’re driving any car that’s older than ’96 (like myself), then chances are you’re living in the past and sporting a cassette stereo system. Well, instead of bumping to your Ace of Base mix tape from� 1993, you could always go wireless with the Flexii Bluetooth Cassette Adapter. Who would’ve thought? A cassette tape capable of Bluetooth technology. The ...

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Handphone Not As Tasty As A Bananaphone

� When I was a kid I must have subconsciously wanted to become a businessman or something along those lines. At least I knew I wanted to use the phone a lot. I remember playing with my fake phone for hours, and then when I wasn’t playing with my fake phone, I’d be holding two fingers up to the side ...

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Proof In The Cards: T-Mobile 3G Hits NYC Tomorrow

Live in pixelated New York, use T-Mobile and own a UMTS-enabled device unlike your dinky F1 phone? Starting tomorrow, Big-T is rolling out its long overdue 3G network in the US. NYC is the first city to get it and as you can read on this employee e-mail sent to T-Mobile stores across the US. Bitchin’ data transfer speeds, bitchin’ ...

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WiFi Predator Noses Out Free Signals From Afar

Unsecured networks, get ready for your worst nightmare (if you imagine this said in the voice of the movie trailer voice-over guy it’s much more funny.) No signal is safe from… The WiFi Predator. The Predator is basically a modified wireless router connected to a high powered antennae, which runs off of a custom honed firmware, scoping out Wifi signals ...

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Exclusive LG Iron Man Phone: Only 20 Made

Open your ears, comic book and mobile phone freaks alike. LG is gearing up for the upcoming release of the Iron Man motion picture by releasing an exclusive special edition version of the LG Shine 720, the LG Iron Man Phone. Decked out with 18k gold, the Iron Man phone can’t be bought in any store. In fact, the phone ...

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F1 Phone: You Know You Already Talk To Your Ferrari

If you own a Ferrari, there’s a good chance you already converse with it anyway. “Yeah, that’s a bad little car!” You make me sick, with your shameless flirtation. You might as well just skip the foreplay and just pick up one of these F1 Phones. The F1 Phone, designed to resemble the Ferrari, even has some moderately impressive specs ...

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Urban Performer Unit Brings The Pod To The Surface

Even if it looks a little too much like a purse to be completely unisex, as the designers claim it to be, the idea is a snazzy one. The Urban Performer Unit is a handbag with slick crystallized controlling, allowing you to operate your iPod from the Swarovski crystal laced surface. The crystals indicate the iPod’s functions, incorporating an emotional ...

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Ultimate Smokers’ Phone Reloaded… Marlboro Stylee

A little more than a year ago we brought you the Ultimate Smokers’ Phone, a device which was made to look like a Chinese-brand of cigarettes’ pack, and even held real cigarettes. This time around, we’ve found a adaptation of the device which is much more Americana, featuring the design of the well-known Marlboro brand. The Dual-band Marlboro phone features ...

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HyMini Wind Powered Device Charger Puts The Green In Awesome

So, the HyMini might be much ado about nothing, but it’s still pretty impressive and potentially a great idea for green integration in the future. Dubbed as a “mini green hybrid power station”, you charge the HyMini up from a main. When you go out for a bike or car-ride, attach the little guy to your vehicle, and the wind ...

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Bluetooth Burka: One Step For Man, One Giant Leap For Female Muslim-Wear Kind

Woman in the Muslim world are slowly, but surely, developing their own identities within their communities. Sure, they might still get their feminine genitals mangled and destroyed if they so much as breathe in the direction of another man, but heaven forbid that they don’t have proper mobile and technological rights. Markus Kison’s Bluetooth Burka is a step in the ...

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