DIYs & Mods

GTA IV Cover Art Made On An Etch-A-Sketch

More than a year ago we wrote about an artist who featured drawings made using only the super-retro Etch-A-Sketch. Sorry to Mr. Gagliardi. I mean, we love the fact that you have the awesomeness to feature the word “Gag” in your name, but this artist, who made a rendition of the Grand Theft Auto IV cover art on his Etch, ...

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Maker Faire This Weekend In San Mateo, CA

Our west coast DIYers will definitely want to make the trek down to San Mateo, California for the Maker Faire, which goes down this weekend on the San Mateo County Fairgrounds. Tons of DIY tables, art installations and music will be on display for all to enjoy. Judging by the above picture, I’d say this year will be the best ...

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Floppy Disk Pin Brings You Back To 1991

Are you feeling vintage? Heading to a LAN party to play Doom II and break out 3.5-inch classics like Commander Keen and Xargon? In that case, it’s essential you remain as dapper as possible for the occasion. This felt Floppy Disk Pin will compliment any wrinkled suit you borrowed from your roommate, unlike other apparel on the market. Link (via)

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Playing SNES Super Mario Cart On A High-End Motion Simulator

� Playing racing games can sometimes be pretty one-dimensional, especially on a 16-bit gaming console. This was a time when there were no vibrating gaming controllers, so racing was just about as real as walking with your hands reaching out in front of you, grasping on to an imaginary wheel. But if you could take the SNES system playing Super ...

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Crazy Uncle Ballmer Caught On Stage With MacBook

First Steve Ballmer publicly called his beloved Windows Vista platform an “incomplete product“. Now he’s been CAUGHT within yards of a MacBook Pro on the same stage in which he happens to be giving a presentation! Okay, so the story goes something like this: Mr. B was scheduled to give a keynote presentation for Microsoft in Louvain and one of ...

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Calendar Wallpaper: Because It’s Less Messy Than Painting

Daily planning and productivity is a daily struggle for the working man (or women, on those rare occasions). You can create as complex of a calendar as you want, even factoring in the movement of the planets if you see fit; but at the end of the day, you’re still going to want to rip the damn thing to shreds ...

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Rick Roll Cake Continues The Baked Goods Meme

The cake is FAKE! If you’ve never played Portal, you might be a tad bit confused by this reference. Trust me though, it makes sense. What makes even more sense is finding a way to prank your geeky significant other with a Portal / Rick Roll cake. Every year, the creator of this cake has lovingly designed a new geeky ...

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Build An R/C Car Sans Solder

Soldering can be a really tricky thing to master. Between having to have a clean workspace, a nearby electrical outlet, and a huge risk for burns, it sometimes feels like an accident waiting to happen. Luckily, there is a project that is easy, fun for the entire family and solder free. The Snap Circuit Rover allows you to easily snap ...

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Homegrown Flame-Throwing Superhero Will Melt Your Face Off

How many times have you read a comic and found yourself wishing you had a certain super power. Being the sick bastard I am, I always wished I had x-ray vision (the panties are pink, Lois.) Everett Bradford took it upon himself to create a flame-throwing wrist device, and soon to be, cause of his death. Much like Pyro from ...

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WiFi Predator Noses Out Free Signals From Afar

Unsecured networks, get ready for your worst nightmare (if you imagine this said in the voice of the movie trailer voice-over guy it’s much more funny.) No signal is safe from… The WiFi Predator. The Predator is basically a modified wireless router connected to a high powered antennae, which runs off of a custom honed firmware, scoping out Wifi signals ...

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