DIYs & Mods

Using Skateboard Grip For No More iPhone Slippage

One thing the iPhone was NOT made for is staying where you place it. Try getting that thing to sit still on a slightly angled slippery surface. And none of us want to let a $400 device smash to the floor. Here’s a cool mod to help the problem. Go to your local skate shop (there’s probably one within 20 ...

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In Case Urban Warfare Were To Break Out: Urban Combat Umbrella

Who knows when the commies will start spying on us again. If he were still around, Joe McCarthy might recommend every man, woman, and child to own an Urban Combat Umbrella, an Umbrella with an attached target scope. While it’s by no stretch the first umbrella we’ve discussed, it might be the most useful. Sick of people barging into you ...

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Awesome iPod Ad Halloween Costume Idea

This year I’ve decided to be a RPG style dwarf for Halloween (mostly because I couldn’t think of a way to be a Tauren or a Death Knight), including a dwarf mask called Motorhead, and a cool looking fake sword. Though I probably should have put more thought into it, like these guys. I don’t know about you, but I ...

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Revirginize Your iPhone: Unpop The Jailbreak Cherry

If you’re feeling a bit guilty about playing such havoc on your iPhone by adding third-party apps (or just don’t fear Apple might add in a secret self-destruct feature for jailbreak’d phones), here’s a tool that can reintroduce your iPhone to its original virgin state. The iPhone Elite dev team has developed an application that will restore your iPhone back ...

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Park to Play: Use Your Car as a Game Controller

Why screw around with some flimsy racing wheel when you can use your own car to control the game? This concept has been utilized before, but a new system called Park to Play could make it possible for the average consumer to bring the experience home. In addition to using the steering wheel and the pedals, opening and closing the ...

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DIY: Mac Classic To Mac Mini Mod

Here’s a way for you to gut your Mac Classic and hook it up to a Mac Mini. In 11 moderately easy steps, this mod is one that most novice computer builders can handle on their own. Just make sure you didn’t already make your Mac into a backpack. The mod allows the innards of a Mac Classic to run ...

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WoW Lich King Expansion Release Date Leaked?

As I was browsing around Amazon, I came across an interesting entry when I searched for World of Warcraft. The page in question is a pre-order page for the WoW expansion Wrath Of The Lich King. Amazon says the shipping date is November 30th, 2008, with the game retailing for $39.99 on the online superstore. Now, we know Amazon sometimes ...

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Hybrid Creature Toys Made From Bits Of Everything

These toys made by Sang Won Sung (not to be confused with twin brother Sing Two Singing), are made from bits of other recycled toys (and some assorted household objects), creating odd, and sometimes eerie looking toy models. The two boys pictured above are aptly named “bull” and “elk”, both of their faces made with the recycled torso of a ...

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13-Year-Old Nerd Claims To Have Cracked iPod Touch 1.1.1

A teenage hacker claims to have found an easy way to allow third-party applications to be used on the iPod Touch. While this method doesn’t work on the iPhone (yet), which had its various bugs and app access fixed with the Apple 1.1.1 update, those of you who have bought an iPod Touch will be happy to know that there ...

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Say Goodbye To Soggy Cereal

Are you tired of your Cap’n Crunch cereal getting soggy every morning? If so, the Eatmecrunchy Bowl may be the answer. The bowl features a unique interior shelf that holds the majority of your cereal above the milk until you transfer it to the mixing chamber for eating. It’s a simple design that eliminates one of the biggest problems facing ...

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