Rick Roll Cake Continues The Baked Goods Meme


The cake is FAKE! If you’ve never played Portal, you might be a tad bit confused by this reference. Trust me though, it makes sense. What makes even more sense is finding a way to prank your geeky significant other with a Portal / Rick Roll cake.

Every year, the creator of this cake has lovingly designed a new geeky baked good for her boyfriend. This year, she decided to make a Rick Roll-themed cake, but decided to disguise it by placing a Portal cake replica over the Rick Roll-themed cake. You can imagine his surprise when he sits down for his tasty slice of Portal lore, only to discover that, uh oh, he’s been totally RickPwned by the women he loves. And on his birthday no less. Don’t feel too bad. He still got his cake and ate it too. — Andrew Dobrow


Editor’s Note: Why is there a bottle of Elmer’s Glue behind the cake?

About Andrew

Hey Folks! Myself Andrew Emerson I'm from Houston. I'm a blogger and writer who writes about Technology, Arts & Design, Gadgets, Movies, and Gaming etc. Hope you join me in this journey and make it a lot of fun.


  1. Although it’s a clever little concept for the shitty little rick rolled joke, It’s still totally pathetic…

  2. “The cake is FAKE! ”

    Erm… wrong…. the cake is a “A LIE” not “FAKE”
    I play Portal, but if you hadn’t mentioned it i would have just assumed you were rhyming

  3. @Moe But we WERE rhyming! YIPEE!

  4. Oh come on Mich, would you piss and moan if your significant other baked you a cake for your birthday? Nonetheless, she obviously put a lot of effort into it. Appreciate it.

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