First Steve Ballmer publicly called his beloved Windows Vista platform an “incomplete product“. Now he’s been CAUGHT within yards of a MacBook Pro on the same stage in which he happens to be giving a presentation!
Okay, so the story goes something like this: Mr. B was scheduled to give a keynote presentation for Microsoft in Louvain and one of the earlier presenters left their Macbook Pro on stage during his rush to get out of the limelight. The story seems fishy or at least that’s that I’m trying to convince myself. This image is just too priceless to cover-up with the truth.
Yeah – but that just means the hardware is a Mac. He might have been running Vista on it.
@sodapop But WHY?! That makes no sense to be running Windows on a virtual machine through a Mac when you can just as easily be using a native Windows machine. Especially when your a CEO for the opposing company!