
Seeking Roomate: No iPhone Owners Allowed, Starcraft II Experience a Plus

Craigslist is a great spot to find a new roommate, especially if you’re as specifically needy as this guy. This 25-year-old NYC professional is looking for a new roommate to share an apartment with in Manhattan. There’s just a few stipulations. Absolutely no iPhone users allowed. And maybe no iPad owners either. This guy is serious too. Upon meeting he ...

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Google Estimates That There Are 129,864,880 Books in the World

Google has taken on quite the challenge. They want to catalog the world’s entire collection of tomes using their Google Books application. Every single one. But before they can do that, they need to know what they’re dealing with. And that’s where their engineers come into play. Using Google’s official definition of a book, the company estimates that there are ...

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Are These The Droids You Were Looking For?

This is why Facebook was invented. The entire progression of the Facebook UI has led up to this moment. I expect Mark Zuckerberg will announce the discontinuation of the site’s development later on in the day, having finally reached their ultimate goal. Facebook’s a hell of a drug. As I’ve said before, I’m not much of a Facebook gamer, but ...

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Every Facebook Page Indexed Alphabetically For Your Pleasure

I’m not a Farmville sort of person. I have my own nasty habit. Facebook Pages. I love them. Well, technically I “Like” them, but you get the point. I’m really a hopeless case. I’ve looked through all of the most popular pages and thought that would sufficiently fill my appetite. And it did, for a while. And then I found ...

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Facebook Hack Prank Fills Me With Turkish Delight

A pack of brilliant Turkish pranksters decided to use Facebook’s use of crowd-sourced linguistics for their own benefit. A group of clever hackers congregated on the Inci S�zl�k message board and launched a full-scale attack on the Turkish branch of Facebook’s language translation interface, which relies on crowd-sourcing to improve the lingustics of the non-English Facebook translated pages. Hilarity ensued. ...

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Dante’s Internet: The DIV-ine Comedy

For every action there’s an equal and opposite reaction. For every internet sin there’s an equal and totally fucking justified punishment. Welcome to Internet Hell, inspired by Dante Alighieri’s Divine Comedy. Specifically Dante’s Inferno. Dante’s Internet features 9 circles, including the spot reserved for the worst of the worst offenders, “special hell.” Everybody from trolls to hackers are at risk ...

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Social Media Monopoly Board Game

Starring Mark Zuckerberg as Rich Uncle Pennybags! The goal is simple. Buy as much stock in the social media properties scattered across the board until you control all of the game’s money. Just watch out. You don’t want to land on Paypal or wind-up locked up in MySpace oblivion. Land on the wrong space and you’ll wind up backtraced by ...

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How The Internet Works (Infographic)

We use it for hours everyday. It changed the world and international culture. It set to work an era of communication which previously had only been the stuff of science-fiction. The Internet. While many of us have a rudimentary knowledge of how the net actually works, this infographic gives all of us digital laymen a better idea of just how ...

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