
Unevenly Distributed: Chrome, the iPad and the Crossroads of Civilization

On October 7th, 1930 � slender and bright; like a string tense and silent in anticipation of the purpose of her note � Beatrice Warde was introduced to the British Typographer's Guild. The speech she gave would change the way people thought about type for the next fifty years... and should be burnt into the flesh of anyone who is making a gadget to this day.

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Best-yet Wikileaks round-up

There seems no end to reporting and commentary on Wikileaks, from the ravings of Regnery-Press author Marc Thiessen to the thorough round-up Alexis Madrigal is hosting at the Atlantic. But perhaps the best perspective comes from the sober analysts at, who have furnished their customarily-comprehensive coverage of l'affaire Assange. Or whatever it's called in Cantonese.

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