Search Results for: concept

Flying car by 2009? Well, we’re getting there.

The Seattle Times writes a profile of Israeli conceptualist, Rafi Yoeli, the designer of a new concept called the X-Hawk. While the X-Hawk might not be the flying car we originally envisioned it’s a step in the right direction. The X-Hawk is being designed as a urban rescue vehicle, designed in the wake of the Hurricane Katrina disaster in New ...

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LG “premium folder” LG-SV260 mobile phone

LG has become a monster of the mobile industry. They have new product launch announcements nearly twice a week it seems. The LG-SV260, just released in Korea, is said to be a “premium folder” of tools and features for businessmen. ‘Motiquette’, short for mobile etiquette, keeps callers informed of when they are calling you during a meeting or appointment through ...

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Windows Vista media DRM protection cracked, what’s next?

With the recent crackings of the security measures set forth in HD-DVD and Blu-ray, it is only fitting that the DRM in the upcoming release of Windows Vista is hacked. Alex Ionesu, the man who claims to have bypasses the security, has only released very vague information due to the possibility of legal actions by Microsoft. Currently, this is just ...

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LG FM37 (it rhymes) brings touchscreen tech now

Look at those screens and realize that they aren’t nearly as small as your iPod Nanos. Comparatively, the new LG FM37 digital media player packs either a 1/2/4 GB flash drive and supports MP3, WMA, and OGG audio playback. On the concept of thin, this player is only 10.4mm thin (about 1cm). Those screens are touchscreens and are 2.4″ LCDs. ...

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Command and Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars screenshots look amazing!

The game that’s had everyone waiting, Command & Conquer 3, is finally peaking its head around the corner, and damn, the wait was worth it big time. The screenshots from Tiberium Wars are looking incredible. The concept of the game looks like a mix between futuristic military technology and the landscape of present day America. With RTS games quickly becoming ...

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Venturi Eclectic: The world’s first energy self-sufficient car

Venturi has announced its concept car, for now named Eclectic. A fully self-sufficient and autonomous energy vehicle that gets fuel from only natural occuring processes. The solar, wind, and electric powered Eclectic is being designed to make hybrid cars look like a truck with a broken exhaust pipe in comparison. With its 2.5 meters of photovoltaic cells, at least one ...

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SnoWonder creates snow in your living room

Everyone loves snow right? Well, everyone loves the concept of snow and the amazing photos is makes for, but barely anyone likes the freezing temperatures it requires to even be present. SnoWonder takes care of the temperature problem of snow, so it doesn’t turn into a puddle of dirty water when you want to be in a warm living room ...

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Comply Whoomp! Earbud Enhancers work on iPod headphones

It seems that today everyone and their mom has an iPod, and so there is hardly a day where you don�t see those famous white headphones at least once. Walking around, it looks like everyone loves those headphones, but that is not always the case. Many people actually think they are uncomfortable and don�t sound that good (what a concept). ...

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Maker of White PS3 Mod now offers red and silver

Everyone who keeps up with the tech blogosphere and isn’t blind has seen articles about the White PS3s being sold on eBay for an exorbitant amount of loot. The same guy who was the think tank behind the White PS3 is now offering the console in Red and Silver colors. Both are still in the design and concept stage, but ...

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Vakaadoo iVak nano cases slim down what was already small

It’s a welcomed feature: less material. Nobody wants more bulk. The new Vakaadoo iVak cases for the iPod nanos deal with this concept in a very nice way. They accomplish what a case is meant to accomplish in a stylish and efficient manner. Vakaadoo has make a slim case to fit with the very slim design of the nano. And ...

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