Search Results for: flickr

5 Most Common Misconceptions About Vaping

Just a few years ago, vaping was considered to be a perfect replacement for traditional cigarettes. Instead of inhaling tobacco, smokers were happy to settle for aerosol. Previously, Aerosol was used in coolants or disinfectants. But E-cigarette manufacturers figured out a way to add propylene glycol particles to steam and sell it as a safer alternative to traditional cigarettes. Nicotine ...

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The 4 Scariest Stories About Yellowstone National Park

Yellowstone National Park

Yellowstone National Park is turning into one of the world’s most dangerous places to live in. Although the population is quite sparse (less than 500 people), around 4,000,000 people visit this place every year. It is popular for the supervolcano that erupted about two million years ago. Although in recent years the volcano does not seem to show signs of ...

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5 TED Talks That Anyone Working in Tech Should Watch

ted talk

If you like to watch videos on YouTube, I am sure you must have heard of TED talks. TED talks are a channel that offers free lectures by industry experts, high covers and sometimes weirdoes who live off the beaten path. From self-improvement to medical science, TED uploads all kinds of videos on both their YouTube channel and their website. ...

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6 Powerful Tools for Virtual Money Management


Assignment Content Financial institutions have been offering online banking for years, and it’s become very popular. From the comfort of your home, or anywhere you go, you can check balances, transfer between accounts, pay bills, and more. However, they’re not the only way to manage your money online. With the right tools, you can eliminate the need to speak with ...

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How to Internet Enable Your TV

Smart TV

The rise of internet-enabled TVs has changed the entire TV experience these days. As per the WiredShopper, smart TVs give the user access to the entire digital connected world right in there. Modern TV sets can now allow users to do many things including watching videos on YouTube and accessing a lot of information other than from the commonly aired TV ...

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5 Tech Advances That Allow You to Work from Home

Cloud storage

Just a few decades ago, the only people who worked from home were self-employed, and the kinds of jobs you could do from home didn’t offer many options. You could write or create things in a personal workshop, but if you wanted a steady company job you’d have to go to their office to perform it and often move halfway ...

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8 Social Sites You Need to Use to Engage With Your Customers

Entrepreneurs need to use whatever resources possible to help boost business and attract more customers. No matter how large or small your operation is, it’s important to get involved in and contribute to the latest trends for businesses today. The biggest trend when it comes to marketing your company or your product is to use social media. If you think ...

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Audio Technica In-Ear Headphones ATH-ANC33iS Review

Image source: Introduction How many times have you faced the irksome situation of being stuck in a noisy environment with nothing apart from your iPod for company? The noise does not let you enjoy your music in peace and you end up switching the music off out of sheer frustration. Remember that baby who screamed throughout that cross-country flight? ...

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Online bargain hunting

Many of us with be familiar with adverts offering us countless ways to save money online. And whilst that may be true, the sheer volume of online retailers and offers available can make it a little bit of a headache when searching for the best price for that one particular product. So here are a few of the best ways ...

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Why These States Have High Solar Capacity Installed

Today, solar energy is becoming the nation’s fastest growing energy source. Unfortunately, not all states are embracing solar energy at the same rate; some have a much higher solar capacity installed. It is easier and less expensive to convert to solar energy in twelve of the United States. Below is an overview of the growth of solar energy and the ...

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