Search Results for: flickr

7 Images of Technology With Faces!

Happy Coffee Maker

Have you ever looked at an electronic gadget and seen a face? Scary right? Take a look at these 7 images of technology faces. 1.Evil sandwich maker is watching you! 2. Happy VHS Tape is happy. 3.  Happy coffee maker is beyond happy. 4. Shocked Smoke Detector is stunned and traumatized. 5. Sad Bathtub is devastated. 6. Sassy Lock sticks ...

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7 Incredible Photographs of Storms Rolling In

storm coming

Last night we had some incredible storms rip through the area - one of which left a nice parting gift of a tree branch nicely camouflaging the car. So, today we're going to take a look at 7 incredible photographs of storms rolling in.

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