DIY: NES controller meets Motorola SLVR

The hustle and bustle over the iPhone has left news about any other phones in the dust. With a gadget like the iPhone around, what else matters?! DIY’s we say! This gaming modder took the innards of a Motorola SLVR and stuffed them into a stripped NES controller. As you can see, holding up a NES controller to your ear ...

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DIY: Grease powered toy jeep

I have always wanted a lard controlled car toy. I dunno, just always a weird dream I’ve had. So you can imagine my joy when I saw this project. It’s about as close as I’ll ever get to living that dream. This toy jeep is powered by grease lit on fire. Was this made by a fast food employee? Probably ...

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No-touch toilet paper dispenser

If you go to most public bathrooms nowadays, most everything is done using no hands. You can flush the toilet without hands, wash your hands without hands, dry your hands without hands. Until now, the only thing that remained typically for hand grabbing only was the toilet paper dispenser. Kimberly-Clark Professional presents their design for a no-hands approach to butt ...

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Major iPhone firmware update coming soon

Although the iPhone is pretty revolutionary already, there remains some kinks in the chain and even some missing links. Sources are reporting that a very major iPhone firmware upgrade might be coming very soon. This firmware upgrade is rumor to include a full file browser, such as the browser for Windows Mobile, except with Leopard coolness, and also the addition ...

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AjaxLife brings Second Life to your web browser

If your real life has been bumming you out recently, you might be one of the millions of people who struts around Second Life to escape reality. And here’s some good news for people who don’t want to download the massive software needed to play. A UK teen has coded a web browser friendly version of the popular virtual world ...

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The Magic Wheel: The skateboard / scooter / unicycle hybrid

Skating and scooters were pretty big for a while. Remember the craziness of the Razor scooter? The unicycle never had a real time in the sun, but The Magic Wheel takes all three forms of self propelled transportation and smacks it into one cool hybrid piece. The Swiss designer of The Magic Wheel got tired of seeing the streets filled ...

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Baby goes skiing, then suckles from mother’s teet

Having a baby is a beautiful thing, though sometimes it can definitely be an inconvinience for your social life. Say that your friends just invited you to a beautiful ski resort, but you know that there is no way to carry your kid around with you the whole time. The Safe Start Stroller Skis are gadgets you can place on ...

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The Duofone concept cell: It takes two to tango

Couples these days spend more time on the phone than together, thanks to the ultra portability of mobile devices. But wouldn’t it be nice if we cut out the middle man, and placed two cellphones together? We’d probably see a lot more of each other. The Duofone concept design places two seperate cellphones on the same device, each sharing the ...

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Boost some N95 juice and look like a piece of crap

We have to admit that this is not the best looking accessory for the Nokia N95, but imagine 1400Mah of power all for that multimedia monster, that’s 147% of the original. We actually planned to give it a try until we learned that it’s produced by a Chinese company called Yoobao; explosions anyone? — Sam Chan Link

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