How To: Salt Water Etch An iPod For Cool Steampunk Look

But won’t salt water etching fuck up my iPod? If that thought entered your mind as you read the title of this article, you probably don’t have the stomach to go ahead with this project. However, if you don’t mind taking a risk, or you are looking for an excuse to pick up one of the new iPods anyway – ...

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Slinky Desk Lamp: The Coolest Slinky Product Ever

It still amazes me that a long metal spring has kept our attention for over 60 years. Even after all that time, people are still coming up with ways to get more mileage out of the Slinky – and this Desk Lamp is certainly one of the best examples. Each lamp features a 50W, 12V halogen lamp with a working ...

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iPod Mini Cooler Takes Convergence To The Next Level

Now I’m all for convergence when it comes to technology, but sometimes you just have to laugh when a product takes it to irrational levels. Take this iPod / CD / Digital Radio Playing Alarm Clock Fridge from Cooltone for example. It can cool up to twenty 400ml cans ( or six bottles of wine ), play tunes from your ...

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Chinese Robot Chef: Just Like Mom Used To Make

Thanks to this “food robot” designed by retired Beijing professor Liu Changfa, it seems entirely possible that one day I can have my Hot Pocket cooking ritual fully automated. Unfortunately, I would still have to push a few buttons with this one – users must program simple instructions into the robot’s computer before he begins to cook. Once the data ...

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DIY 3-Way Hi-Vi Tower Speakers For The Audiophile With Skills

An admittedly bored ( but highly skilled ) audiophile named Adam McCall managed to entertain himself by pulling off this beautiful 3-Way Tower Speaker project using all Hi-Vi drivers – and now you can too thanks to his detailed instructions. According to Adam the goal was to “design a loudspeaker that sounds and performs beautifully across the whole bandwidth. I ...

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TV Show Tattoos: A fanboy fashion statement

Is there any better way to show your undying love for a TV show than do etch a design for the show into your skin? We think not. Some of these are pure genius. 100% of them are absolute fanboy nerdiness. So…technically this is a wearable right? Check out more after the jump.

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Video Game ID Bracelets for arcade style

Those of you who remember patrolling the game arcades will remember the method of high score ranking on arcade game machines. You’d put in your three initials, or whatever three letters you used as a tag. Surprisingly enough, the letter ranking was one thing I had a hard time figuring out, which meant my initials always came out as “AAA”. ...

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Testicle-Like Cocoon Shelter Keeps You Warm In Extreme Environments

The Cocoon is a survival shelter concept by designer John Moriarty that promises to keep you warm “no matter what the conditions are like outside.” Features include warming interior colors and insulated material that would prove useful from both a physical and mental standpoint when stuck in a survival situation. My question is where did John get his inspiration for ...

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The Beat Dress Will Trip You Out

The spectacular “Beat Dress” seen above was part of a project conducted for a Fashion and Technology course at the School of Arts and Communication at Malm� University. The light show comes courtesy of 10 detachable patches on the dress that are equipped with 10 LEDs. There is also a microphone and a small equalizer connected to a microcomputer that ...

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Dodecasub Speakers Perfect For D&D Geeks

I am a total geek. There are many obvious reasons why one would come to that conclusion, but the fact that I took one look at this 12 sided speaker system from Elemental Designs and thought “Dungeons and Dragons” makes my inherent geekness abundantly clear. The Dodecasub features, you guessed it, a dodecagon casing (a 12-sided polygon) with 10 impressive ...

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