iPhone 2 Announced!

And it looks like this time it’ll actually live up to the hype! Anything that features a Paris Hilton news blocker has got to be incredible. Possibly even the must-have gadget of the year. — Andrew Dobrow Link

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Wall of Pong uses fricken laser beams

It doesn’t get much more classic than Pong. We’ve seen the game immortalized in the form of a watch, and of course the game that inspired it, Ping Pong, is one of the most popular home played games, but this is just so damn cool. This self-made “Wall Of Pong” was made by a senior at Cornell University for an ...

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Thank you for making Gearfuse part of the elite

We’d like to announce that Gearfuse has reached the Top 5000 blogs on Technorati, which as many of you know, is a big milestone for any blog. Since our launch in December of 2006, things have been a little crazy here with our rapid growth. Though, we want to thank all of the readers and linking sites that have stuck ...

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Is this a lamp or the remnants of a full body cavity search?

Urologists will be happy to see a lamp that reminds them of their days at work. Filled with latex gloves, they can almost smell the KY. And me? I can feel the pressure building on my prostate already and I still have a good 15 years before I need to get annual probe-age. Penetration aside, this lamp made out of ...

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Flexible polymer wallet saves money

You wanna do the right thing by your money? Keep it safe. Don’t go swimming with your wallet, or feed it to any amphibious mammals, or accidentally leave it in some random taxi cab. For the latter problem, you might be stuck, but the Dosh polymer wallet is made to last in a fight with the elements. Made of waterproof ...

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Bust a nut, fo realz

Whenever we try to sound just a little ghetto, we have to add in that little touch of “fo realz“. It just makes it all the more authentic. The Nutcracker is a gadget made for, well, cracking nuts. Faster, easier, and a lot more painful to watch then any other nut cracking contraption. We’re not talking about ballet here. Just ...

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E-Lighter: USB powered cigarette lighter

Let us warn you by saying that we have absolutely no idea how this thing is supposed to work. And considering it is very much a design concept, the designer might not even know how it’s going to work yet. The E-Lighter is a USB powered lighter for sparking some cancer forming fun in the form of a lit cigarette. ...

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Hack your iPhone with iPhoneInterface

People moved quick to find the secrets of the iPhone, and luckily, they’ve decided to share the secrets with us. iPhone fans from the irc.osx86.hu channels for the iPhone have developed this Windows and Mac software that allows you to tweak all of the minutiae of the iPhone interface that might cause you grievances. iPhoneInterface allows you to tweak the ...

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Pencil Jewelry: Don’t sharpen them too much

Designer Gemma Holt showed off her neat Pencil Jewelry at the annual RCA Summer Show. The necklace consists of a series of hexagonal linked pencils which are gold foiled, stamped with her hallmark, and then linked to create a wearable writing utensil. No matter how much the impulse might strike you, we do not recommend wearing sharpened pencils around your ...

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Nameless Sony D-SLR might be coming soon

Sony has released (or more officially, has “leaked”) a mysterious photo of a still nameless D-SLR camera that is said to be the next camera in line for Sony’s Alpha line. Sources are reporting that the mystery camera will sport some impressive specs. Supposedly, this elusive monster will pack in 12.8 megapixels, a light sensitivity of up to 3,200 ISO, ...

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