Most laptop batteries these days will give you between 3-6 hours of time before the power runs dry. The US AirForce Research Laboratory has been fooling around with betavoltaic power cells, which harness the power of nuclear decay to transmit power. As radioactive material decays it lets off beta particles that can then be transformed into electric power. And it ...
Read More »Doing Time Clock: Just Like Jail
If you’ve never had the chance to serve time in one of our fine penitentiaries, you have never had the chance to count down the months until you were let out of prison. The Doing Time Clock has that etched in the wall look that jail birds are going for these days. It’s a great alternative if you don’t want ...
Read More »DIY: Cloud Lamp, For When You Can’t Afford Lava
For around a measly $10, you can make this very cool Cloud Lamp, which resembles a lava lamp, but looks even cooler in our opinion. All you need is a container, some soap, and water and you’re good to go on this project. Might not have the psychedelic allure of a lava lamp, but hey, it’s a cheap alternative. — ...
Read More »Snooze Cellphone / Alarm Clock Hybrid
The Snooze concept design mashes together a slick white cellphone, with a slick white alarm clock. Most cellphones already come with a alarm clock function, but we can’t think of one that actually doubles as an alarm clock. Complete with LED number display, don’t be scared of any lost features. Snooze is a phone first, alarm clock second. Pretty cool ...
Read More »DoCoMo’s ego-crushing phone
When we talk about DoCoMo, you either have no idea what it is or you start thinking about those super high-spec phones. At the CEATEC show this morning, apart from the usual amazing line-up, a really cool-looking but very, very mean concept phone was spotted. DoCoMo said that this Wellness concept phone was supposed to help raise the health awareness ...
Read More »Kiss the screen to have your lips scanned
1. place your card, 2. hold it hold it, 3. scanned. That’s essentially what Sharp is showing us at the CEATEC show in Japan; the Light-sensor mounted System Display module. Apart from acting as a scanner, it can also do the multitouch-esque trick (video here). No news on commercialization yet. —Sam Chan Link
Read More »HTC Annouces New Devices For 4Q
HTC has announced a trio of new devices for the upcoming fourth quarter. The HTC Shift, HTC S730, and HTC P6500 are three new smartphone models, tailor made for different sorts of users. Info and pics of the devices after the jump.
Read More »S_UPPORT: Crutches For The Next Generation
You’ve gotta admit, time hasn’t treated the design evolution of crutches very well. They are still as uncomfortable as ever, causing blistering in the underarm region. S_UPPORT is a new concept design for an improved ergonomic crutch system. Great new for all of you cripples. The S_UPPORT crutches are made of plastic, rather than wood, and are even recyclable. They ...
Read More »Par-Avion Stealth Wallet For International Espionage
The Par-Avion Stealth Wallet might not have the cool factor that some of the other wallets we’ve talked about, but you’ll probably have an easier time smuggling foreign goods with a wallet that doesn’t look like a wallet at all. This wallet is almost indistinguishable from a real air mail envelope, but is actually an excellent tri-fold wallet, with a ...
Read More »Hello Kitty Gets Sexy?
On the bizarre gadget front today are these “Sexy Kitty” Hello Kitty phone charms. We never would have thought that such a wholesome (and annoyingly popular) brand would create an adult version of their mascot. Isn’t their wholesomeness what makes them “cute”? These Hello Kitty charms aren’t your typical adorableness. They come bearing lingerie, showing off lots of feline leg. ...
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