MSI Bluetooth MP3 Player offers 50 straight hours of music

One thing that holds the iPod back from completely taking over the media player market is its inability to keep a charge for more than a few hours. The MSI MS-5552 is a Bluetooth enabled MP3 player that offers 50 hours of continuous playback using only one AAA battery. Along with the massive playing time, the MS-5552 isn’t to bad ...

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Robot and soldier elope in holy matrimony

Marriage is a beautiful thing. Especially between a robot and a man. And even more especially when the robot is carrying the man soldier bride? Ok, well we tried to make this image funny, but in all seriousness, it’s great to see a robot in action, rather than lifting human sized bags of sand dummies. This particular robot, named Bear, ...

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Overclock the Turbo Laptop with a push of a button

Mmm, more Computex stuff. The MSI GX600 is being dubbed the world’s first Turbobook. Why, you might ask, would they call it a Turbobook? Well, what about the neat little overclock button that kicks the CPU speed up a notch when your computer is in AC mode (and by notch we mean 20%) for when you really need your computer ...

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Learn how to touch a real living, breathing person with your DS

You might think that this “game” looks slightly odd, and maybe a tad on the perverted side. But nope, it’s just Japanese. The newly announced Kazoku Minna de Nippon Shiatsushi Kai Kanshuu Rakuraku Shiatsu Nabi DS game teaches you the finer points of shiatsu massage. Yes, we know. Long name. If we could make it more elegant we would. The ...

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Hard Drive Desk Clock gives people a glimpse of hardware

Old or fried hard drives have no productive use as far as we could tell. They’re one of the only pieces of hardware that haven’t been thoroughly modded and recycled into new coolness. That is until Etsy took the case with the Hard Drive Clock. Standing at 5.75 inches X 4 inches wide, the clock comes with a base stand ...

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iShave: Because men are animals too

It’s a fact. Men like us are hairy monsters. At least, real men are! The problem is, our lady friends aren’t too fond of our back hair. You have your occasional fetishist, but typically, women would much rather rub smooth skin than feel like they’re in bed with a grizzly bear. The iShave allows men to shave their own backs ...

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An epic Mecedes M-Class…no, really

Talk about an epic automobile! This Mercedes M-Class is decked out with an epic-style mural which screams out proudly “The owner of this car is a nerd!”. Painted with some unidentifiable epic theme, it might not put the class in M-Classs, but it sure as hell puts the nerd in, ummm, car buyer. The car’s owner lives in St. Petersburg, ...

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Hello Kitty LaVie G Laptop: When will the madness end?

Nowadays, you can get almost anything Hello Kitty-themed. It reminds of how the Kiss Army was in the late 70’s. Everything was emblazoned with Gene Simmons’ mug. The NEC LaVie G Laptop is disgustingly laced with girly thingamabobs, with Hello Kitty playing a starring roll. Not only is the LaVie as pink as a laptop can get (not even neon, ...

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Costumes aren’t welcome in PS3 Home

We have no idea why Sony is taking such a snobby position with PS3 Home, but they sound like total snots when describing the rules and etiquette of the social interface for the console. They say they are attempting to keep Home “accessible to everyone” by putting certain limitations on the attire your avatar can wear. “If everyone’s walking around ...

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