FCC approves 80GB Zune; We Predict It Bombs

So, Mr. Gates. It seems you want to make another go at this whole portable media thing. The FCC has approved the Zune 2 80GB model, after putting it through the usual vigorous testing for compliance with such rules as the allowed radiated emissions, and more importantly, the mandatory “doesn’t blue screen every two seconds” test. I think it remains ...

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OMG! Awesome Party Guy Vid! YouTube Halloween Costume

We’ve seen some really cool Halloween costume ideas the last few days, including the iPhone costume and the iPod Ad costume. And look at this! We’ve actually found one not centered around an Apple product. The “OMG! Awesome Party Guy Vid!” YouTube Costume is very clearly homemade, but isn’t a half-bad copy of the video stats section of YouTube. Though ...

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Next-Gen Credit Card With Keypad and Display

The “Credit Card Embedded Authentication Device” is a concept creation by Innovative Card Technologies and eMue Technologies, and uses a screen and keypad for extra security (so you can spare your poor Elvis ginger-haired baby the trauma), not to mention a kick-ass new design for the credit card, though perhaps not as sleek as Jacob Palmborg’s future credit card design. ...

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Bizarre: Rockstar “spazzed” at Simpsons game GTA spoof

� An EA producer was heard commenting about Rockstar’s reaction of the Grand Theft Auto spoof in the upcoming Simpsons game. The producer says that Rockstar “spazzed out like little babies” after hearing of the spoof level in the Simpsons game called “Grand Theft Scratchy”. Rockstar reportedly forced EA games to change the name of the level, which will now ...

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Russian CD Fanatics Add Discs To Their Wardrobe

These guys really love their CDs. So much so, that they have made a wardrobe out of them. What looks to be CD armor, these guys have put together some gear out of recycled compact discs (might spark flames if you sit too fast on the CD chair). I strongly suggest not wearing this out in public unless you want ...

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It Sharpens Your Pencil And Then Eats Your Soul

Check out this gruesome pencil sharpener designed by artist Matthew James Taylor. This guy knows his pencils. This design is revealed in a post on his site where he describes the art (first we heard of it being an art-form) of pencil sharpening. Though, this “Living Dead Dolls” Sadie Pencil Sharpener seems to be his favorite tool of the trade ...

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London’s Olympic Flame Goes Green

Organizers of the 2012 London Olympics have come to the conclusion that it’s time for a completely green Olympic experience, instead of focusing on brand name torch designers or even the all-important weather control like the Chinese. This time around, even the iconic Olympic torch will be eco-friendly, boasting a carbon neutral flame. London organizers have decided that instead of ...

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The Stormtrooper Boogie: Imperial Soldiers Gone Wild

Ever wondered what would happen if a Stormtrooper were to land in downtown Shibuya? Well, apparently it leads to an all-out Stormtrooper dance party. Danny Choo and his band of video recording nerds set off to host the dance party of the century. Sadly, some camera malfuncions led to the crew not getting as much footage as they wanted. But ...

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More Apple Fanboy Halloween Costume Madness

Late last week we say the iPod Ad Halloween costume, and now an equally wacky bunch of Apple fanatics have put together a fantastic iPhone costume. While it might look like they raided an Apple store display, these 60 pound costumes are hoisted on with PVC pipe and ratchet straps. If you’ve been an ardent supporter of the “Jesus” phone ...

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Using Skateboard Grip For No More iPhone Slippage

One thing the iPhone was NOT made for is staying where you place it. Try getting that thing to sit still on a slightly angled slippery surface. And none of us want to let a $400 device smash to the floor. Here’s a cool mod to help the problem. Go to your local skate shop (there’s probably one within 20 ...

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