
Hand Grenade Oil Lamp: Pull the pin, throw the grenade

Made from actual U.S. Army surplus hand grenades, these Hand Grenade Oil Lamps are a unique addition to your home. They are available both in their natural color, or gilded in gold or silver. For an ultimate ice breaking surprise, chuck it at your house guest and sprint off as if running for your life. Available now for $50, or ...

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500,000 Pages of The New Yorker: Should last you the year

The New Yorker isn’t exactly the most exciting publication on the planet, those of you who are fanatics about your city and state, or just a plain fan of The New Yorker style, will appreciate this new portable hard drive containing every single issue. This seems a tad overbearing for our needs, but fans of the periodical will surely be ...

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Watch the Northern Lights live on your mobile

The Aurora Borealis is one of the most beautiful spectacles of nature, yet only a very small percentage of us ever get to see the spectacular beauty of the Northern Lights. Japanese mobile users just got even more lucky then they already are with the new Live!Aurora service. For ¥315 ($2.70)  a month, customers of the AU network can subscribe ...

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GEEK ALERT: Batman obsession turns into Batman body mods

Thinking of the pain this man must  have endured for a tattoo on such a sensitive area of the body makes us cringe and shiver. As you can see, someone took their fanaticism of the Dark Knight a tad too far, brandishing Batwing eyebrow ink in the process. Now, we’ve known some pretty hardcore comic fans, but this is pretty ...

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Grobag Egg changes color with temperature and incites Easter cheer

Easter is just around the corner and what better way is there to celebrate Jesus’ resurrection from the dead after his gruesome death than with eggs and bunny rabbits? Ok, well the Grobag Egg might not have any Jesus candy inside of its shell, but what it does do is a little cooler for us adults (and safer for the ...

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Mini Universal Remote for key chain’s home entertainment

Here’s a pretty neat ultra Mini Universal Remote which comes attached to a key chain. Of course, the first thought that pops into our heads is huddling outside our neighbors window, eagerly changing their channel without them knowing the source, and then watching them try and figure it out, with us laughing in glee. Though we don’t think that was ...

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Pimp out ALL your cellphones in Taiwanese style

When we saw the BenQ-Siemens’ over-pimped  EF-71 phone, we  thought it was a joke. It wasn’t until Samsung announced collaboration with Swarovski then we realized there’s an actual market need. The Taiwanese just can’t seem to wait for those phones to come out, so they started Blinging up their own phones with fancy stickers, and they have to stick them ...

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The “I Love Pasta” Tie

Humorous at first, then ingenious at second thought. That was my impression on this tie from self confessed “pasta-philic” project, I Love Pasta. The tie gives the impression of an over-zealous pasta eater who just couldn’t keep the noodles in his mouth. Uniting the power of culinary yummy-ness and modern design, the pasta tie is a brilliant use of visual ...

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All in one Counter Surveillance device helps the paranoid take fear to a whole new level

[amazon fields=” B000ITXH1M ” value=”thumb” image_size=”thumbnail” image_alt=”All in One Counter Surveillance Device Multifunctional Bug Detector”] Reading through our site recently, you might  have built up some paranoia from some of these inconspicuous GPS devices we have talked about. If you’re convinced you’re being followed, the All In One Counter Surveillance Device could help give you some peace of mind. The ...

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Sun Tracker makes sure your whole plant gets some love

It’s no surprise that most household plants end up being crooked because of their affinity for growing towards the sun. This is a sign of novice design. People forget to rotate their potted plants to ensure a steady growth on all sides. The Sun Tracker takes some of the burden off of the plant owner. The lopsided potted plant gets ...

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