A mobile home is hardly a house. It’s a truck with a bed inside. On the other hand, the N55 WALKING HOUSE is the premier modular dwelling system. In addition to its ability to slowly troll surrounding landscapes, it collects energy by using solar cells and small windmills. There is even a system for collecting rain water and another for ...
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Sniffing Keystrokes By Monitoring Magnetic Field
Two doctoral students, Martin Vuagnoux and Sylvain Pasini from the Security and Cryptography Laboratory at the Swiss Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, have discovered a potential threat to security that declares keyboards “unsafe to transmit sensitive information”. By monitoring signals produced by keystrokes, the researchers were able to reproduce what had been typed on 11 different keyboards using a variety ...
Read More »Guts Of The Latest Macbook Pro
The new Macbooks are all the rave on the Internet. Even Vince and I can’t shut up about them. If you’re just as enthralled by all of this Mac-goodness as we are, then you’ll find the dismantling of the new Macbook Pro’s unibody by the crew of Ifixit.com to be very interesting. They go through the process of taking apart ...
Read More »World Of Warcraft Custom Guild Tabard Shirt
Some people who play World Of Warcraft have more friends in-game than in the real world. Typically, when one has built up enough friends online, they form a guild. Once everyone has decided on a guild tabard, it’s time to show off a little guild pride by flaunting the virtual garment around a virtual city. But what if your guild ...
Read More »Red Ring O’ Lantern
There are few things scarier than a politician on Halloween, except for the red ring of death. Alan Penner of Goleta, California carved a ton of tech-inspired pumpkins for his front porch. A Ubuntu pumpkin and various emoticon carvings decorate his lawn, with the red ring of death being the most frightening of all. With all the new games coming ...
Read More »Electronic Rubik’s Cube No One Will Buy
While digitizing a Rubik’s cube would offer little more than confusion and frustration, at least it’s a one-up from Hasbro’s Lights Out. However, it is not a one-up from the original design of the Rubik’s cube, which is a classic amongst puzzle games worldwide. Rubik’s cubes were always the cheap toy you could throw around when you couldn’t solve it, ...
Read More »Hollow Spy Coins For Spies: Win A Coin Toss, Everytime
In the days of the Cold War, espionage was a big deal. This was back when spy bots didn’t exist and spies relied on obtaining information personally. If you weren’t a spy, you might as well have swallowed cyanide because during the Cold War everyone was a spy. That’s why Brian Dereu wants to cash in on spy-wannabes everywhere. He’s ...
Read More »The New Arduino
The Duemilanove (meaning “2009” in Italian) is the latest addition to the Arduino line of microcontrollers. It looks like it’s predecessor, the Diecimila, and also shares similar specs with one main subtle difference: the Diecimila has a jumper which is used to select a power source (USB or external power) while the Duemilanove automatically selects the appropriate power supply , ...
Read More »Kirk And Spock Bust Your Nuts
Hailing frequencies are open for these two nutcrackers modeled after Star Trek‘s Kirk and Spock. If you haven’t already picked up that ball-busting Hillary Clinton nutcracker, than that means you’re still in the market for a utensil to crack your favorite nuts. Although back ordered at the moment, these two nut busters will be available before Christmas for $34.95. Perfect ...
Read More »Stone Age Is Now The ‘Stoned Age’
For a long time, scientists have suspected that humans have an ancient history of drug use. Without any proof, such speculations become nothing more than the rantings of a scientist doped out on hallucinogens. Now, valid proof that humans from the Stone Age dabbled in the arts of “getting fucked up” have appeared on the Caribbean island of Carriacou. Quetta ...
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