
Cancer-fighting Beer Brings About World Peace

This morning, time stood still as I came upon this article on how a team of researchers at Rice University in Houston are working to create a beer that could fight cancer and heart disease. They’re genetically engineering a beer that includes resveratrol, a disease-fighting chemical that can been found in red wine. These folks deserve the Nobel Prize in ...

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Scotch Tape X-Ray Is Almost DIY

Researchers at UCLA have constructed a machine that takes X-ray images using a roll of Scotch tape. When pulled apart, tape generates electromagnetic waves through simple friction. The researchers discovered in a vacuum, sticky tape also sends out strong enough X-rays to image your finger. Pretty neat, considering getting your hands on some Scotch tape isn’t too hard. Imagine if ...

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No Facebook App For G1, Android Users

Way to be lame, Facebook. Thanks to Facebook being a bitch and blocking Google’s Friend Connect service, Facebook in turn will not develop a standalone application for Android. This comes as a huge disappointment to both myself and Google. A lot of people are addicted to Facebook and although the G1 handles the normal Facebook website just fine, a dedicated ...

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Apple Netbook Leaked?

Found on Gizmodo, this above image is apparently a leaked picture of a new Mac netbook of some sort. Right now, this whole situation is kind of sketchy but it appears to be a legit photo from Apple that was spotted in the logs of a “unnamed search engine company.” What do you think? Real or fake? I tend to ...

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End Table Defense System For The Warrior Class

For all of the people who aren’t afraid to get their hands dirty, this is the perfect home security option. An end table that breaks down in to a blunt weapon and wooden shield that’s perfect for fending off home invaders or orcs. James McAdam created the Safe Bedside Table in an effort to aid the thousands of people who ...

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Wave Farm Swims For Power In Portugal

The world’s first ever wave farm went live at the end of September in Agucadoura, off the coast of northern Portugal. Three wave energy converters resembling Soviet submarines generate electricity with hydraulic rams driven by waves. The farm was designed by Pelamis Wave Power, which hopes to increase the farms productivity by adding an additional 25 wave energy converters that ...

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The Old Republic Without The Knights

Star Wars MMO, round two! LucasArts managed to completely destroy any redeeming concept that a MMORPG held in the Star Wars universe, with help from Sony Online Entertainment. Forget Star Wars Galaxies because a new Star Wars MMO has been announced and it’s going to take place in the time frame of Star Wars: The Knights Of The Old Republic. ...

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Wrath Of The Lich King Manual Leaked

If you just so happen to play World Of Warcraft all day and night, then you obviously have the game installed on your computer. Did you know that you have access to the Wrath Of The Lich King game manual before the game has been released? Well, you do. Blizzard either underestimates the nosiness of its players or they just ...

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Oh Noes! My House Is Walking Away

A mobile home is hardly a house. It’s a truck with a bed inside. On the other hand, the N55 WALKING HOUSE is the premier modular dwelling system. In addition to its ability to slowly troll surrounding landscapes, it collects energy by using solar cells and small windmills. There is even a system for collecting rain water and another for ...

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Sniffing Keystrokes By Monitoring Magnetic Field

Two doctoral students, Martin Vuagnoux and Sylvain Pasini from the Security and Cryptography Laboratory at the Swiss Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, have discovered a potential threat to security that declares keyboards “unsafe to transmit sensitive information”. By monitoring signals produced by keystrokes, the researchers were able to reproduce what had been typed on 11 different keyboards using a variety ...

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