Tag Archives: Wikileaks

Wikileaks and the End of Stolen Kisses

Slavoj �i�ek says that Wikileaks is hated not because of the secrets it has revealed, but because it exposed the cynicism of a system that has long stopped believing in the values it imagines itself to uphold. It's a problem not only for diplomacy and governance, but for the eroding distinction between public and private life.

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Wikileaks, Nirvana, and the Net of Indra

In a post at the Atlantic today, Jaron Lanier offers to reframe the Wikileaks question. But what he does looks much more like the infamous mission statement of the National Review: to stand athwart history yelling �stop!�

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Best-yet Wikileaks round-up

There seems no end to reporting and commentary on Wikileaks, from the ravings of Regnery-Press author Marc Thiessen to the thorough round-up Alexis Madrigal is hosting at the Atlantic. But perhaps the best perspective comes from the sober analysts at NMA.tv, who have furnished their customarily-comprehensive coverage of l'affaire Assange. Or whatever it's called in Cantonese.

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