Tag Archives: technology

Lock Up Your Videos! Eclectic Method Is Coming!

Mashups. Two songs seamlessly flowing over one another. This is what video-mixup collective Eclectic Method does perfectly. After seeing them multiple times in New York City, I wondered to myself why in the hell I haven’t posted about these dudes yet. Let me break it down for you: RAW MIX POWER. That’s what these guys do. We’re talking music videos ...

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Are Ultra Niche Auto Manufacturers The Answer?

PSFK has a great write up on a niche auto manufacturer called Carbon Motors. The company’s aim is to produce one car and one car only: a cop car. Gone is the infamous 5.0 engine and Crown Vic styling. In comes the first vehicle specifically designed for law enforcement, by law enforcement. Dubbed the E7, its 3.0 liter Diesel engine ...

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CNN: Chock Full O’ Holograms

50 seconds into the above video, you’ll see CNN’s Wolf Blitzer speak with Jessica Yellin. Only, Jessica isn’t in the studio. She’s “thousands of miles away” and appearing via a full-body hologram instead. Watch the full video for Jessica’s explanation. Apparently, over 35 high-def cameras are used inside a tent. Wild. Is the 21st century upon us? I’d like to ...

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NavJacket: The GPS Winter Coat

Here’s a back-to-school jacket worth getting excited about. The NavJacket from O’Neill is due out this winter and will feature more technology than you can shake a stick at. Designed for people who like to snowboard, ski or just hit the trails, the NavJacket features Gore-Tex material and integrated GPS that allows you to navigate a hillside. The left arm ...

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TEXTile: Recycled Keyboard Keys Find Purpose Again

Jean Shin is pretty cool. First, we saw her bizarre melted wave of vinyl records (we hope no Journey vinyl was used.) Now, we’re taking a look at Jean Shin’s TEXTile, an interactive sculpture that’s comprised of 22,528 recycled keyboard keys that are fashioned in a way to make it appear as a tapestry. At its base is a customized ...

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Cloaking Technology Sunders Tsunamis

We haven’t covered much cloaking technology and that’s a shame because it’s starting to come into its own. Stefan Enoch at the Fresnel Institute in Marseille, France says that established cloaking principles, such as steering microwave light around an object, could be applied to ocean waves. Because cloaking technology is still in its infancy, scientists are still working on tackling ...

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Melted Vinyl Wave Caused By CDs

We’ve seen a lot of artists this month. From Nikki Cook‘s comics to Adam Stennett‘s oil paintings, we just can’t get enough! The latest to grace our inbox is Korean artist Jean Shin. The above picture is her sculpture called “Sound Wave,” which is made solely out of melted vinyl records to express the awareness of rising technology which renders ...

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MagLev Toy Train

You’ve simply got to watch this entire video of a model Maglev train that’s powered by liquid nitrogen. It gets colder than 183 degrees C (361.4 degrees F) and encounters no resistance. Give it a push on a track and it’ll fly around it perfectly until the liquid nitrogen runs out. I just find it fascinating to watch a model ...

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Audi Developing Traffic Light Detection System

Love to drive fast? Break the law? Good! Audi is aiming to get you into one of its cars in the next few years with a feature that should keep you seated. The Travolution system will communicate with traffic lights to let the driver know what the current state of the light is and when it’s changing colors. While most ...

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Google On The High Seas

We live in an age where the government watches with a careful eye to ensure no companies get into risky antitrust activities. Google has been under watch for a year or two now and it continues to expand at the rate of a gas giant. Now, according to reports, Google is considering putting a ton of a servers out to ...

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