Tag Archives: hack

You Want The Toaster Strudel or SMB 3?

It seems like the cool thing to do nowadays is mod a Nintendo Entertainment System into another object. Whether it’s a coffee table or a lunchbox, the NES has gone down as one of the most modded systems in history. This time around, some motherfucker put it in a toaster. Yeah, a toaster. Pop in your Pillsbury Toaster Strudel and ...

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Airport Network Hack Launches The Revolution

Whenever I arrive at an airport, I need to get online right away. It’s not enough they’re overcharging me for my ticket, now they want to charge me $7 for 24 hours of internet. My next flight is in three hours, what could I possibly need 24 hours of internet for. What a rip-off. Thanks to Felix Geisend�rfer of debuggable.com, ...

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Twitter Doorbell Hack

Twitter users take note: you can now tweet to ring a doorbell. While I’m not a Twitter user or fan of the service, I can appreciate how useful of a hack this is for people who can’t knock because their hands are full or something of the sort. The project is built around an Arduino, which is another why it’s ...

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DIY: Custom DS Guitar For Guitar Hero: On Tour

Eric Ruckman was one individual disappointed by Guitar Hero: On Tour’s guitar peripheral for the DS. So, in an effort to form gameplay more faithful to the original Guitar Hero, Eric found a wireless PS2 guitar that no one wanted and cut a hole in the controller, removing all the guts. He then managed to connect the buttons of the ...

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Your Wii Can Play DVDs

Everyone has been knocking on Nintendo for the past years for not equipping any of its systems with a DVD player. Even third party developers are finding something to bitch about. With all this flashy DIY work people are doing to the original NES like that old school DVD hack, it makes me wonder why no one has made a ...

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Glowin’ For You

Some Russian modders managed to rip themselves away from South Ossetia for a few minutes and got to messing around with an iPhone. The end result? They made the Apple logo glow when the phone is on. A difficult mod? Hardly. All you need is a white LED with a resistor. Hook it into a power source and a ground ...

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Tesla Coil Guitar Amp

Not much is known about this video except that a guy built a Tesla coil and used it as a guitar amplifier. Each note he plays, lightning and electricity shoot out from a device sitting in his living room. Does it look incredibly unsafe? Absolutely. Is it rock and roll? You bet your ass it is. Link

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Famicom Sans Console

Remember that Nintendo Famicom which was built into an NES cartidge? That was cool and all, but a post on Ben Heckendorn’s console hacking forum by user Darkeru revealed a new approach which may have just one upped it. Not only did he manage to fit the NES inside the cartridge, he also has managed to embed a controller and ...

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Headphone Amp Inside a CD-ROM Drive

Here’s a nice mod that seems relatively easy to pull off. It’s a headphone amp inside an old CD-ROM drive and it even uses the drive’s headphones jack. Creator Gio Militano provides detailed instructions if you’re itching to build your own. Just make sure you’ve got a pair of proper cans to go along with it. If you don’t, make ...

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Kawasaki KZ440 Electric Motorcycle Conversion

I’ve always wanted a motorcycle but I don’t think I’m responsible enough to ride open-air-style down a highway at 120 MPH. Ben Nelson, however, is more of a risk taker. The lucky sonofabitch got a 1981 Kawasaki KZ440 motorcycle for a mere $100. He swapped out the (broken) motor and was able to add four huge batteries for $160 and ...

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