Tag Archives: facebook

What Does “ISO” Mean On Facebook?


Content Table Introduction Meaning of ISO ISO on Facebook marketplace Versatility of ISO  Other potential meanings of ISO Other abbreviations Conclusion Highlights ISO stands for  “In Search Of.” Why is ISO important Understanding the world of Facebook In the vast world of online communities and digital marketplaces, Facebook has emerged as a thriving platform where users can buy, sell, trade, ...

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How Do I Stop Facebook From Automatically Sending Friend Requests?


In the ever-expanding realm of social media, Facebook remains a prominent platform for connecting with friends, family, and colleagues. However, users often find themselves grappling with unexpected friend requests from unfamiliar individuals. This can lead to concerns about privacy and security. Fortunately, Facebook provides users with a range of settings to customize their experience, including the ability to control who ...

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How To Fix “This Person Is Unavailable On Messenger”


Picture this: it’s an old friend’s birthday, and you want to send them a birthday greeting. You log onto Facebook Messenger and scroll down to their chat with a nice message in mind. You’re about to start typing when you see the error message: this person is unavailable on Messenger.  Even though you understand that that person isn’t available on ...

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Facebook Brings An End To Physical Gifting

Facebook Digital Redemption Codes

If you are a frequenter of Facebook then you will have noticed the constant prompts to "gift" someone something when it is their birthday or anniversary or...well, anything really. The Facebook physical gifting program has only been around for about a year and apparently within that year the program has not been as successful as Facebook had hoped.

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6 Images We Stole from George Takei

Dragon with the Girl Tattoo

If you keep up to date with current trends on Facebook then there is absolutely no doubt that you have seen an image or two that has been featured by George Takei. Incidentally, if you don't already follow him on Facebook you should because the man posts some really funny stuff.

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In Enemy Territory: Path Now Advertising On Facebook

It was only days ago that data analysis concluded that Facebook had been losing users in droves, over 6 million US users last month alone, a 4% drop. Analysts concluded the exodus was a result of new up-and-coming social networks such as Instagram and Path stealing the fleeing user base

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