Search Results for: cooking

5 Activities You’re Never Too Old to Pick Up

A lot of people think once you hit a certain age, you’re too old to learn anything new. This is blatantly untrue. Of course, there are certain activities that do have age limits. For instance, you can’t take part in your state’s Under-Nineteen competitive swimming contest if you’re thirty or start a career as a doctor when you’re a fifty ...

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4 Broad Technological Inventions That Dramatically Altered our Lifestyle

In today’s world, we constantly experience new inventions whether it is a smart phone, computer or even something simple as duct tape. Most of us are familiar with the endless introduction of various gadgets and are even proud owners of some of them. Each time a device comes along, we are amused by it because the impact it has on ...

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7 of the Coolest Eco Gifts to Give in 2015

Whether you’re looking for a gift for your nature loving friend, or a fun but educational gift there are some really cool eco-friendly gifts out there. Below are 7 of (what we think are) the coolest Eco Gifts currently available. Potted Herbs These days if you live in a city almost everything you buy comes from a store, especially when ...

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3 Squares Creates a TIM3 MACHIN3

SAN DIEGO– 3 Squares is creating a TIM3 MACHIN3™. It can’t help you travel through time, but it can save you a lot of it in the kitchen. The company was focused on developing a product that would help make it easier for busy families to make healthy homemade meals each day. The automation provided by rice cookers seemed like the ...

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Privacy Policy

The privacy of our visitors at is of prime important to us. We recognize the privacy of your personal information is crucial. Here is the information on the types of personal information we would receive and collect when you use and visit, and how we safeguard your information. We would never sell your personal information to third parties. ...

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LEGO Brick Spice Rack

I'm not exactly well-known for my fine gourmet cooking. Unless I really put my mind into it, my skills stop at chucking a few handfuls of chicken nuggets on a baking sheet. But despite my lack of culinary prowess, I still admire this LEGO Brick Spice Rack, simply as an awesome new furnishing.

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