Search Results for: remote

A New Upgrade Option For T-Mobile Customers


We've all been there, splashed out for a brand new phone using our cell phone upgrade option with our cell provider and paying a little more than we should to cover the difference, only to have an even better phone released weeks later. The only problem is that now that you've used your upgrade, you're stuck with your old new phone for two more years. This predicament has prompted T-Mobile to offer a new upgrade option to their consumers, the JUMP! upgrade program.

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iOS 7 Beta 5 Now Open To Developers


If you have been reading GearFuse for a while then you will know that we are Apple fans, so it is with great excitement that we announce that Apple has now opened iOS 7 Beta 5 to developers! Why are we so excited? Because this means that we're one step closer to getting our hands on a perfected iOS 7! Beta 5 is available to download via Software Update and registered devices can check out the source link to check out more information. The rest of us however, will have to wait.

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Wall-E Is Real!


Have you ever wondered what your favorite Disney / Pixar character would be like if they were real? Well, if your favorite character is Wall-E then you don't have to wonder anymore!

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Using eReaders for School and Work

Kindle Fire

These days having a professional shared drive loaded with suggested reading is becoming popular. Loading and sharing PDFs and other technical documents is a must have for eReaders these days. Below are some tips to help you to take advantage of this new trend in sharing professional reading materials and getting the most out of your eReader.

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The Longest Joke in the History of the World


Have you ever heard a joke that was so long that by about a quarter of the way through you wanted to stop listening but just couldn't because you wanted to know the punchline? Well read on because we're about to re-enact said scenario.

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5 Gadgets We Just Don’t Understand

too many gadgets

Have you ever seen a gadget and wondered what the hell the inventor was thinking when they came up with it? We've seen some pretty weird gadgets in our time and today we want to highlight just a handful of them and snicker...just a little.

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15 Tech Gadgets You Should Be Grateful For in 2013


Each and every day someone is complaining about one piece of technology or another. The thing is though, that there are far more reasons to be thankful for technology in 2013 than most people realize. So many things in fact that we have decided to put together a list of just 15 to remind you how lucky you are.

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Technology Continues to Make TV Better

smart television

The remote control may soon be obsolete if the latest technology for TV has anything to say about it. The days of browsing through hundreds of channels or flipping through the weekly TV Guide are long gone for those who embrace technology. Here are just a few ways that DirecTV and other apps are working to make watching TV even easier.

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Newspaper Delivering Drone: The Paperboy Without a Soul

Paperboy was one of my favorite Nintendo games when I was a young'n. One of the shittiest summer jobs of all-time would never again seem as appealing as it did at that moment. Countless gamers were disappointed to discover that delivering papers was not the tale of glamour and adventure that Nintendo would have us believe.

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