
Cyborgs R Us?

In an age of ever-more fantastic gadgets, it's becoming received wisdom that we're all cyborgs now. But as implant hacker Lepht Anonym reminds us, the original vision of the term was dangerous and feral. Videos after the jump.

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Happiness: Feature or Bug?

The bicycle rider always wants a car, Kevin Kelly reminds us in What Technology Wants. But the car won't make him happier�and if what technology wants is autonomy, it may be advised against the pursuit of happiness.

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Reality is Broken, Beautifully

Reviewing Reality is Broken, Jane McGonigal's manifesto of gaming for a better world, Ian Bogost realizes that he likes the messy, repellent, stunning reality we've got.

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The Frontier Is Everywhere

A justly celebrated viral video celebrates Carl Sagan's hopes for the future of humankind�a good bet, but by no means a sure one. Video after the jump.

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Take Them To Our Leaders

"Imagination... must not be underestimated as a valuable means to advance knowledge towards new frontiers," say the authors of a new study on the possible consequences of the discovery of extraterrestrial life; we couldn't agree more.

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