Arts & Design

LED Bottle Wall

Alex Beim must be a heavy drinker, ’cause I have no idea how he got so many empty bottles for his project. The LED Bottle Wall is a sight that seems appropriate for a Disney World attraction. Slews of LED lights penetrate the reflective surface of the bottles, creating an luminary effect that’s unmatched by Pink Floyd. Link

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PIMPtendo: Never Enough Zebra Skin

Calling all gaming pimps! Have you been hesitant to purchase the NES console just because its retro design doesn’t fit in with your modern pimp decor? Fahgetaboutit. This custom designed PIMPtendo (actually called PIMPendo, but the extra “T” makes it sound so much better) can be be yours for $150, or as low as $50 if you want to bid ...

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Radical: Oakley Shaun White Frogskins

Shaun White may be famous for smoking pot and snowboarding but no matter your tastes, you can’t deny that these are some smoking hot sunglasses. At $155, they’re actually one of the cheaper pair of Oakleys, but you still get big Oakley looks. Mirrored red lenses, retro logo and styling – these were made for Californians and purveyors of action ...

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Beer In A Pouch

Look, I’ve talked about sneaking alcohol into concerts several times before. It’s something that we as men just have a natural need for when we’re rocking out and we’d like to save a buck while we’re at it. These beer pouches? Perfect for crotch stuffing. I bet you could cram a damn six-pack in between your ass cheeks no problem. ...

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Student Creates Construction Monster

Has everyone in North Carolina lost their sense of humor? It certainly wouldn’t surprise me. A North Carolina State University student named Joseph Carnevale was charged with larceny for creating a monster on the side of the road. He used a bunch of construction barrels and lights to make it. Look at how cool that thing is! While I understand ...

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Incredible R-Type Model

Now this is a true work of art. Picasso and Da Vinci are incredibly overrated anyway. Real art comes from passion, which in this case is Jim Rossignol’s model of the third stage boss from R-Type. Words can’t do it justice. Look at the detail, from the cannons on the ship down to the small R9 fighter right below it. ...

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Review: JBL/Roxy Reference 250 Headphones

JBL has always been a purveyor of fine audio, which makes total sense considering its parent company is Harmon Kardon. A few years back, I reviewed some Reference 220 earbud headphones, which were affordable and sounded great on the iPod. This time around, JBL has teamed up with Quiksilver’s surfin’ sister company Roxy on a line of headphones that are ...

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Handbags Made From Hardbacks: Talk About Chick Lit

Don’t judge a book by its cover. Unless, of course, the cover is all that remains of the poor thing. Look… I love books. Not only the actual reading process, but the actual aesthetic of print. It pains me to see pages ripped out of a hardback for fashion’s sake. Even if the novel happens to be a wimpy Nancy ...

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Starcraft Cake: Have Your Zerg and Eat Them Too

Mmm… Starcraft cake. It looks tasily Zergalicious. This custom Starcraft cake was handmade by some Blizzard fanatic’s awesome girlfriend. Take our advice. Don’t let this chick go. So, would a hatchery taste sort of like caviar? How does that work? Link

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Pirates vs. Ninjas Checker Set

Good vs. evil. Man vs. wild. Pirates vs. ninjas. The classic battles of humankind. For generations, men have debated whether pirates or ninjas were more bad ass than the other. For once, we might have an answer! The Pirates vs. Ninjas Checkers Set embattles the two warriors from the comfort of your coffee table. Each set is handmade. Both large ...

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