Tag Archives: cool

6 Really Cool Gadgets You Probably Don’t Need

Magnetic Suspension Device

There are thousands of gadgets in the world and quite a few of them really make life better. The thing is though, that there are about twice as many gadgets that really don't make the world better...they do, however, make it a little bit cooler. Take a look at these 6 really cool gadgets that you probably don't need.

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Necktie Fan: Easier Than Telling Your Boss to Turn Up the AC

You just don’t know how he does it.� Some people just like to keep cool as much as they can. If possible, they prefer to be shivering rather than sweating. Your boss, on the other hand, likes to keep the temperature more akin to a sauna than an office. And after hearing about that guy in accounting who got fired ...

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NES Air Max Sneakers Are Not As Cool As They Try To Be

At first, these shoes don’t look much like a classic Nintendo Entertainment System. Look closer. These kicks have D-pads printed around them. Look even closer. See the “Start” button? It’s trying very hard to look like the one on the controller. Definitely a cool design, but is it cooler than Hennessy�s Cognac Kicks? Absolutely not. Not even close. There is ...

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Wind Turbines Inspired By Ancient Methods

We’re digging this eco-friendly goodness from the folks at Windation Energy Systems. If you couldn’t guess by the name, they deal with organic means of producing wind energy. The developer of Windation’s latest wind turbine, Mark Sheikhrezai, was inspired by wind catchers used by the Persians to keep their interiors cool. The concept is simple: wind blows into the top, ...

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Robots + Doughnuts = Art I’d Actually Buy

We aren’t quite sure what robots and doughnuts have to do with one another but these prints of robots by Eric Joyner are very cool. Eric has a book coming out called Robots and Donuts, which is a 175 page collection of�his work for $23. Considering his 17″ x 22″ artistical prints of robots can reach prices over half a ...

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This Cooler Has A Better Stereo System Than My Car

When I’m headed to the beach, I’m usually carrying a heavy ass cooler full of beer. The problem is, I’m always going alone, all by myself. At first, it might not seem like that big of deal, but then it strikes me: who can I find to carry my stereo? A question that haunts me no more, thanks to Boomcooler. ...

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Pigeons Are Hip And Tech Savvy

Who says pigeons are merely rats with wings? You show me a rat who can use an iPhone like this pigeon and I’ll believe it. Until then, pigeons are just as hip and tech savvy as a remote controlled pigeon or a pigeon with an ass camera. Now does someone want to explain why this gentleman has a pigeon in ...

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Thank Me Later: DIY Portable Air Conditioner

It’s the middle of July and that means those of us in the Northern Hemisphere are really feeling the heat. With my current apartment, I have no air conditioning in my bedroom and during the day it becomes unbearable at times when temps start reaching the 90s. I need a way to cool off. Thankfully, Instructables user Farhanians has posted ...

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Protect Yo’ Neck With Blizzard Authenticator

Oh noes! Some key logger has taken over my World Of Warcraft account! All my gold is missing, all my gear was probably destroyed all because I left my password as “password.” Well, it won’t happen again ’cause Blizzard‘s got this Blizzard Authenticator they’re selling for just $6.50.� It’ll keep them hackers out…unless said hacker happens to be ‘Zero Cool’. ...

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Interactive Image Projection Claims To Be Hologram: Cool, But Not A Hologram

*sigh* When will the geek community learn that just because an image is projected on a surface, giving the “illusion” of three dimensions, does not make a media be a “holographic” technology. We won’t deny that this interactive image projection isn’t really cool looking, but come on, it’s no hologram. Now, with that out of the way, what the good ...

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