Old Japanese Folk Bored With Robots

While my parents look at a computer as if it were powered by witchcraft, the elderly in Japan have become bored with robots. They prefer “everyday products adapted to their needs.” In the end, cute robots that were intended to help old folk maintain their cognitive abilities, monitor blood sugar and other vital functions have given way to the old ...

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The Kissmask Turns Me On a Little

Two women kissing is always hot, but the nerdy bonerfactor is even higher when you throw a little gadgetry into the mix. This Kissmask concept by Jill Magid is designed to isolate the mouths and noses of two women, creating a heated space. A microphone sewn into the connecting tube records the conversation, breathing, and kissing going on inside. Once ...

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Does your iPod Classic use Toshiba or Samsung HDD?

It is for fact that companies can source modules from different suppliers for the same product, the best example would be the screens of Sony PSP (Sharp and Samsung). In the hard disk world, Toshiba is one of the loudest and proudest players, they’re making such a big fuss about their deal with the fruit company. Samsung comparably seems to ...

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Coffee-proof fingernail-proof VAIO notebook

< Amongst the many notebooks Sony Japan announced this morning, what really caught our attention was the new VAIO type G notebook. It has nothing to do with its sleek size or seemingly doubled computing power on paper (Core Solo U1400 1.2Ghz to Core Duo U7600 1.2Ghz), but the fact that the keyboard has special protection for liquid. That’s right, ...

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Walking Head Combines Fear Of Spiders With Fear Of Creepy Autonomous Robots

Even if you don’t appreciate art, you can’t deny that this Walking Head Robot by Australian artist Stelarc is captivating. Among other features, the Walking Head has a scanning ultra-sound sensor that detects a human presence. When a person does enter the gallery, it will stand and go through a pre-programmed series of movements – using its tilt sensor system ...

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It’s my side of the bed: Definitive place savers

No more arguing over whose side of the bed is who’s. These bed sheet sets are good for those couples who seem to fight over the small things in life. Such as, which side is which on the bed. The sets come in the typical boy+girl models, and are even available in politically correct versions featuring 2 boys or 2 ...

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1GB: Then and Now

If you look at this image, you might think you’re looking at some cool PC mod or something. You’d be dead wrong. The item on the left is an old 1GB IBM hard drive. Pictured on the right side of the image is of course a modern 1GB flash drive card. Oh, how the times are a-changin’. — Andrew Dobrow ...

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PenStar: Tranny or Pole dancer?

Here’s a clever little pen holder for all you damn perverts. The PenStar looks like a scantily clad chick dancing away on a pole. Either that, or she’s a transvestite with one massive… umm, pencil. Place your pen softly inside of her. Trust me, you’ll like it. I’d be in so much trouble if this wasn’t a gadget I was ...

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Chewy Pad: Recycled Chewing Gum For Better Back Support

The Gumnetic Chewy Pad concept from designer Anna Bullus aims to alleviate the burden chewing gum is placing on our landfills, sidewalks, and movie theater chairs while simultaneously offering relief from our everyday aches and pains. Apparently the combination of recycled chewing gum and bio resin can create a cushion similar to those made from memory foam. Is it disgusting? ...

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