Search Results for: flickr

Flickr Releases Official iPhone App

You’ve been waiting and now it’s here. Flickr has finally relased their official fully-featured iPhone app, allowing you to upload photos and browse Flickr right from your device. Logging on to the app, the first thing you see is a panning series of “interesting” photos, reminiscent of a Ken Burns-documentary. It’s very unique and very beautiful. What are you waiting ...

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Flickr Finds: Apple Concepts From 1991

Buried in the depths of Flickr was a small photo set featuring a Japanese magazine called AXIS. The 1991 issue, preserved in full digital color, talks about Apple’s design at the time and opens discussing regarding several concept products we’ve never even heard of. A wearable Mac for your wrist? The TimeBand. There’s even a wacky portable tablet system that ...

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Wolfenflickr 3-D Combines The Best Of Both Worlds

When Wolfenstein 3-D and Flickr wanted to get married, I gave them my best wishes. Just kidding, software and photo sharing sites can’t get married, silly. They can, however, be fused. Thanks to some anonymous geek with Javascript skills, this mashup of the popular FPS shooter game and photo sharing site takes the best from both and allows users to ...

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DIY Headphones Found on Flickr

Over on Flickr, user j.rusten decided to craft his own pair of headphones. Constructed with a vintage look in mind, the cups are made of layered cork with a green plastic shell. The final result? A cross between Grado and an Air Force pilot’s headset. The drivers used only cost $50, so I’d imagine you could design your own pair ...

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Create a Flickr Photo Frame

If you have an old Nokia 6100 lying around, put it to good use! Rip it apart, grab that LCD and follow Alex’s instructions on how to turn it into a picture frame that displays photos from Flickr. Don’t use Flickr? Then you’re just not very Huey Lewis & The News. If DIY projects aren’t your forte, you may want ...

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Robo Crazy Flickr User

Flickr user Agustina loves her felt and possibly robots. And while Felt Robots are cool, we want fire-breathing, horseback riding, begging, swimming, cooking, killer robots that come equipped with the ability to give us hand jobs. While it might not be a traditional, metal robot, Agustina’s felt robots really reflect what DIY is all about. Sometimes you have to reinterpret ...

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Yahoo! Mail announces unlimited storage: Is Flickr next?

As email becomes more important to people’s every day lives, email provider services are competing in the ever growing storage solution for archived messages and files. This morning, Yahoo! Mail vice president John Kremer posted a blog entry announcing the decision to allow Yahoo! users unlimited storage. Previously, Yahoo! Mail had a storage limit of 1 GB, less than half ...

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Technical Trends in UK Gaming That Will Rule the Game in 2025

Technical Trends in UK Gaming That Will Rule the Game in 2025

The gaming industry has changed over time, with technological advancement being the force behind the growth. Gamers can now enjoy the immersiveness of live dealer casino games, the simplicity of slots, and many more perks. With the thrills now showing any sign of slowing down, you may want to know the top tech trends. Below are some technological trends that ...

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