Giant Skull Of Kitchen Crap

Skulls fascinate us. Whether it be skulls made of paper to skulls made of melted cassette tapes, we can never seem to get enough. That’s why we dig Indian artist Subodh Gupta and his art, a lot of which involves recycling old pots and pans from the kitchen. For the Frieze art fair in London, he assembled a load of old kitchen utensils and forged this bodacious skull just in time for Halloween.

Look at that kid in the pic. He’s afraid to touch it. What a pansy. Man, if it’s that effective at in sighting fear in to the hearts of children, this is one decoration I could totally use for my front lawn.


About Mohit


  1. Afraid to touch it? Looks to me that he’s reaching out to grab it… or maybe pick its nose

  2. Skull needs to be in an art museum, so people around the world can see it in preson. Also the artist will get allot of money for selling it.

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