
“Mii love you long time” T-Shirt: Wii love it!

Humor degrading any certain sect of culture is just the best. You can’t help but laugh at something like this nerdy tee with the words “Mii love you long time” emblazoned on them. Not only does this rip on woman, but totally destroys the Asian take on English. Or as you might call it, Engrish. We hate to laugh at ...

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iPod Earbud earrings defeat the purpose

The iArtifact project is a design concept that is attempting to take on the extent of Apple fandom with a twist of the extreme. The iPod earbud earrings are kinda cool looking, but whats the point? Why not just buy your own pair of earbuds for a buck, cut them, and paint them silver? Also included in the iArtifcat project ...

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DIY: NES Controller Wallet

Well it might not be a complex DIY, but it’s a DIY all the same. The NES controller wallet was made using little more than a plain coin purse and glue. Oh, and of course a NES controller body. If you’ve been holding on to the dream that your Nintendo system might miraculously start working again, give it up my ...

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Blizzard recruiting new faces for next-gen MMO game develoment

With recent confirmation of a sequel to the ever-popular Starcraft series of games, rumors and predictions have been floating around that either Diablo 3 or Starcraft 2 will be somehow involved in the MMORPG gaming market. Blizzard is now further expanding this rumor with a job listing posted in the Employment section of their website. The listing describes the position ...

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Ping Pong Door doesn’t kick you in the ass, but your opponent might

Now here is a cool concept. Do you know anyone who doesn’t enjoy a rousing game of ping pong? We don’t either. The Ping Pong Door brings people together instead of separating them as a barrier. The door works by having a center panel that can fold down flat to create a ping pong surface, while still maintaining the intact ...

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Nintendo DS Drinking Games puts the drunk in, uh, drunk

Warning. Do not buy these games for your pre-teen. These Nintendo DS drinking games compare two of mans favorite pastimes, drinking and gaming, for a fun fix of inebriated activities. How do you win? We guess by being the last to pass out. EA games would rather you call them “gourmet information magazines for the adult”. But we’re just gonna ...

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Sony PS3 Eye to join hands with Sony’s crappy game selection

The next-gen Sony PS3 Eye couldn’t have been designed any more poor. With sales nose-dropping through America, the very LAST thing Sony needs is an ugly, clunky peripheral. But yet here we are. Displaying exactly that. The Sony PS3 Eye updates a few of its features, such as an added light sensor to make those low-light situations at least manageable. ...

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Wiimote door unlocker says “open sesame”

[ev type=”youtube” data=”ksi4jm_Gkjk”][/ev] There used to be only two major ways to unlock a door. With a key or with a contact card, like used in hotels and high-security areas. You can now add the Wiimote to your list of entry methods. Using a combination of FreeBSD 6.2, an AVIOSYS IP motor, Sony RC-S320, the Wii remote, and some BT ...

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