DIYs & Mods

PC Cooler Case Mod Need Not Worry About Overheating

Are you worried that one day your PC is going to get so hot from all of that WoW you play that it will just burst into flames? This PC mod encases your computer in cooling heat sinks, surrounding the bad boy with heat exhaustion. This PC mod pretty much cuts out the middle man, evacuating all of the generated ...

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LEGO Copter Models

Ralph Savelsberg creates scale models using nothing but Lego’s. His most recent creations are two military grade helicopters, made to scale as close as bricks can be scaled. The CH-46 Sea Knight and the Mi-24 �Hind� are both extraordinary examples of how much can really be done with the little rectangular building blocks. Notice: It’s probably not the best idea ...

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Jet Powered Minivan: Soccer Moms Are Just Getting Desperate

Rule one of being a soccer mom: get the carpool to practice on time. If you fail at that, you just aren’t a true soccer mom. The Jet Turbine Powered Minivan not only gets your kids to practice on time, but most likely gets them there a few hours early while incinerating all of the cars which fall behind in ...

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Lego PC Mod Pieces Together A Winner

We’re not too sure that Lego Gandhi would approve of the use of Lego’s as a case mod for a PC, but what does he know? The guy is made of friggen Lego pieces. Whatever he might think, we certainly think the Lego PC case mod is one for the Gearfuse book of sick mods. The Lego enclosure holds in ...

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Desktops At Starbucks: You’ve Been Punk’d

If you’re one of those trendy little shits that camps out at Starbucks to steal their WiFi, you know that the cafes are crowded with others just like you. Notebooks in hand, ready for some free Internet access. A few pranksters from the comedy troupe Improv Everywhere set up house at a Starbucks, fully equipped with full desktop computers and ...

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ECG On The Road: Check Your Ticker

Hearts are-a racing. The warmer seasons are approaching and you know what that means. The ladies are going to be flocking to the streets wearing some pretty skimpy outfits. Don’t put yourself in risk of having yet another cleavage induced heart attack. Carry around a portable ECG device. The portable ECG lets you check your heart stability when out-and-about on ...

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Staircase Library: Step Up The Lit

So you want something that will help you get organized similar to the Storage In Stairs, but you find yourself too squashed by your massive book collection to move around your house. The Spacesaver Staircase Library merges the two issues, creating one solution. The Staircase Library utilizes all of its space by creating book shelves in the space under each ...

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Model Reventon Lambo Made From Nothing But Cigarette Boxes

In a project that shows an intense love for Lamborghini’s, model making, and more importantly, smoking while making Lamborghini models, a clever model maker has made a Reventon Lambo replica using empty packs of cigarettes. The eye for detail is pretty extraordinary. The color seems to indicate they either painted it, or they are die hard fans of cowboy killers. ...

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Hack Your Wiimote Into A Colt 45: You Feeling Lucky, Punk?

� Violent Wii players are having a good week. First there was the gaming console that can be thrown at shit, than there was the Wii Nurf Blaster, and now we offer you another cozy ditty of violence and mayhem. This DIY project turns your Wiimote into a pretty nice looking pistol, which is sure to add a realistic edge ...

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