
Sneakers Made Out of Computer Parts

If your shoes offer better performance than your home computer, you know you’re in the presence of something special. These Blaze Pentium 1.0 Sneakers probably have a better processing speed than my PC. Designed by Gabriel Dishaw, these 15 pound shoes took three weeks to perfect. The Intel Pentium-inspired sneakers are currently for sale and are shipped with an equally ...

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5 PC Games You Can Play on Your Netbook

Netbooks aren’t the hardware midgets some might suggest. Ok, well they aren’t speed demons typically, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t several full PC games you can play right on your minuscule internet box. Liliputing put together a list of five PC games you can play right on your netbook. And they are: 1. Torchlight 2. Puzzle Quest: Challenge of ...

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CTRL+ALT+DEL Cup Set Force Quits Your Tea Drinking Plans

Windows users are all too familiar with the CTRL+ALT+DEL key combination, loading the task manager and allowing you to force quit any applications which are acting screwy, which at some point, is every app on Windows. Seriously, at some point, every app will have failed at least once, including the Explorer itself. Actually, especially the Explorer itself. I really hate ...

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“Taking Care of Business” Mousepad Keeps Your Appointments in Check

If for some reason you haven’t started using your various devices to keep track of your daily appointments you probably still rely on the old paper calendar. Either that or you’re completely awful with dates. Either way you likely need to make an upgrade. The Taking Care of Business Mousepad keeps your daily appointments in clear view without taking up ...

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Mona Lisa Made Entirely of Discarded Motherboards

Sure, it might not be the largest Mona Lisa ever made, but who needs size when you’re made of the geekiest material ever devised, computer hardware. The Motherboard Mona Lisa is made entirely of discarded hardware and currently sits in the lobby of the Asus headquarters in Taiwan.

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The MacBook for Pirates

Soon to be quarantined after the nasty scabies epidemic, this MacBook for Pirates features a special Apple and crossbones logo design courtesy of Etsy user LastFuse (name thief that they be), selling their decal for only $2.50. If the parrot, hat and eye patch didn’t tip them off, this decal sure will. Link [via]

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Joystick Built Inside of NES Console

Even if my NES were still around, I doubt it would work. There’s something about sitting around in a dusty closet that doesn’t work well with the functioning hardware of gaming consoles. But don’t let it’s inability to work get you down. There are still plenty of possibilities. The NEStickle is a Sanwa joystick, including buttons, built right inside of ...

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LEGO Minifig Wants To Take A Chomp Out Of Your Apple MacBook

I sort of feel bad. The LEGO minifig trying to eat my MacBook is clearly starving. Why else would you attempt to eat a perfectly good electronic? On the other hand, I’d much prefer my MacBook not have any further bite marks, barring the original bite mark of the Apple logo. But no, I’ve had enough of this. My MacBook ...

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OpenOfficeMouse Has 18 Buttons; Likely Spawned By the Devil

I can barely deal with two buttons and a scroll-wheel without tying my fingers into knots. The OpenOfficeMouse is truly a monstrosity of a peripheral, featuring 18 programmable buttons. I never would have suspected that one day I could own a mouse only navigable with a detailed map of its buttons. Link [via]

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