
Airport Network Hack Launches The Revolution

Whenever I arrive at an airport, I need to get online right away. It’s not enough they’re overcharging me for my ticket, now they want to charge me $7 for 24 hours of internet. My next flight is in three hours, what could I possibly need 24 hours of internet for. What a rip-off. Thanks to Felix Geisend�rfer of, ...

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Minitek Electronic Music Festival

For those of you who will be in New York during the second week of September, we suggest you come out and visit us at the Minitek Electronic Music Festival. It’ll feature a handful of different electronic performing artists, music, art, technology and more. It takes place September 12th through the 14th and will feature both an indoor and outdoor ...

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A Practical Use Of The Furby

Remember the hit toy the Furby? It was the first successfully domestically-aimed robot that sold well because all the kids just had to have it. But, just like the Tickle-Me Elmo or any other Christmas time fad, it died off and everyone forgot about it. That is, until David Cranmer skinned a few of them and turned them into a ...

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Coders! Text-to-speech in PHP

Just a quick heads up to anyone reading who uses PHP. If you’re looking for some text-to-speech on the quick, Jason Striegel has a great little piece on just that over at Hacks. I highly recommend you check it out and try messing around with it. The demo is pretty impressive and Jason touches on some other examples out there, ...

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DIY: Your Own Personlized Wii Sensor Bar

That Nintendo Wii sensor bar isn’t what it’s all cracked up to be. Alan Parekh explains it’s simplicity by exposing it’s composition of just a few IR LEDs. Then, he manages to turn an ordinary TV remote control into a working Wii sensor bar. All it requires is a few holes drilled in that old remote of yours. And if ...

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As we mentioned yesterday, the online music service Muxtape shut down. While this is yet another lame move by the RIAA, I’ve found I don’t miss Muxtape. It was really just too basic of a service for me to get into it or hyped up about it. Plus, having to upload one track at a time really sucked. So with ...

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Microsoft Brings Photosynth To Prime Time

Microsoft might make shitty operating systems but the company continues to innovate in other areas of the technology world. I haven’t heard of any Photosynth news for probably a year and now I wake up and Microsoft has pushed it out to the entire world. Photosynth works by taking batches of photographs and stitching them into a 3-D environment. You ...

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The Palm Treo Pro: It’s Comin’

Coming this fall is Palm’s Treo Pro. It’s also the first Treo to support tri-band HSDPA (faster net speed) for 3G access on AT&T and additional carriers. The American launch will start out with an unlocked, carrier-independent version at $549 that’ll feature a sleeker design than previous Treos as well as a touchscreen and a button to quickly switch its ...

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DIY: Custom DS Guitar For Guitar Hero: On Tour

Eric Ruckman was one individual disappointed by Guitar Hero: On Tour’s guitar peripheral for the DS. So, in an effort to form gameplay more faithful to the original Guitar Hero, Eric found a wireless PS2 guitar that no one wanted and cut a hole in the controller, removing all the guts. He then managed to connect the buttons of the ...

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Out With The Old, In With The New

You’ve heard the terrible news about Muxtape being shutdown by the RIAA and now you’ve got no way of discovering new music. Guess it’s back to the ol’ 90210 iPod. On the RIAA’s official site, it claims that Muxtape had been evading the RIAA for a little while, which lead it to the killing blow which was a cease and ...

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