
Rejoice! TiVo Lifetime Subscriptions Make A Comeback

A few years ago, the phrase DVR meant TiVo. If you were recording TV shows, you were TiVoing. Times changed, TiVo panicked and the company stopped offering lifetime subscriptions. Ever since then, TiVo’s charisma has been flawed and the company has been offering extras to subscribers to placate them year after year. Thankfully, the company has realized the error of ...

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Tightie Whities Check Your Blood Pressure At Anytime

If you’re like me, a lard ass who needs to check his blood all the time, then you’re in luck. There is underwear that checks your blood pressure and I even like the color. Using a sensor attached to the waste (good luck rocking a belt), the underwear measures your pulse and calculates blood pressure from there, ultimately letting you ...

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ESPN’s Ultimate Universal Remote is King

Nothing beats seeing the New York Giants take a huge shit on every team in the NFL and then watching Dan Marino freak out on ESPN. It’s just a wonderful thing. ESPN keeps a lot of us glued to the TV and now we have yet another reason not to buy our wives anniversary gifts: The Wi-Fi-enabled ESPN Ultimate Remote. ...

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Ironing Ladder Has “Accident” Written All Over It

This combination step-ladder/ironing board could be useful if you’re in a pinch for storage space. You can fold the ironing board down to reach for your peanut butter sitting up there in the cabinet. After getting food all over your nice shirt, you’ll be forced to wash it and eventually iron it. Fold the device upright and you’ll have a ...

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Arcade Goodness for your Wii

For only $60, you can bring the fantastic experience of owning a Neo-Geo AES to your Wii, without spending $200 dollars per game. The Virtual Console arcade stick is said to work with only a limited selection of games, so we can automatically assume it’s for the SNK games that are coming to the VC within the next few months. ...

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KORG DS-10 Software Hits Nintendo DS

Though I sold my Nintendo DS a few years ago, the amount of creative homebrew applications for it has gone through the roof. I’ve seen everything from VoIP apps to sequences and drum machines. This latest piece of legal software, KORG DS-10, stays true to the homebrew movement and offers an emulated version of a KORG analog synthesizer. You’ll be ...

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“I think I found the magic chord!”

The man above is Mike Edison, the former publisher of High Times. What he’s holding is a device that’s known as the ChroniCaster, which is essentially a bong built into a guitar. His hot P-90 pickups are shielded by a special mold that helps keep marijuana resin out. Makes us wanna blast The Outlaws’ classic track “Green Grass and High ...

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Cyborg Tales: Startup Using RFID Implants

Ever since some jackass got an RFID implant in his hand, every geek on the planet has been itching to get one. After all, if you could open your front door or turn on a CD player with the wave of your hand, wouldn’t you get the procedure done? Of course you would. Unless of course, the Mafia is going ...

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Make Your Own Driverless Sound Card

Wow, who would have known that designing your own sound card would have been this cheap and easy? A low amount of parts, easy-to-read schematic and no need for drivers make this USB-based sound card a steal. The card is powered via a 16-bit Stereo Digital-to-Analog Converter. I have a subtle understanding of what that actually does, but if you ...

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Need a Project Battery? Get One for $10 or Free

The fine gentlemen over at Dealnews have spotted a Black & Decker Pocket Power Cordless/Rechargeable Power Supply for $10 over at What’s great about this is that these little power supplies can be used for your DIY/hacking projects. I’ll probably pick up two of these for use in future projects. I’m not revealing anything else… Actually, the best is ...

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