Arts & Design

Twilight Meets the MacBook

The fact that it took this long from someone to come up with this is sickening. What is so wrong with the youth these days that they need years to come up with creative Apple mods? Come on, guys. Stop slacking and get wit’ da muddafuckin’ times. This Twilight MacBook decal substitutes the apple on the cover of Stephanie Meyer’s ...

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H2OmNom: Periodic Table Cupcakes

The tastiest set of atomic goodness was hard to find, but we might have just found the winner. These Periodic Table Cupcakes emulate the elements. Not only are they color-coded and educational, but absolutely scrumptious looking. Despite lacking the scientifically correct Lanthanoids and Actinoids (What? No Uranium?) we’d still down these baked smidgens of heaven like it were our job. ...

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Slim Plugs Save You A Centimeter or Two

I always hated plugging electronics in behind furniture because the furniture is never able to be flat enough against the wall for my liking. For example, when I plug my phone charger in behind my bed, I’m forced to keep the head of my bed two inches from the wall, or else the plug would be knocked out of its ...

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Sneakers Made Out of Computer Parts

If your shoes offer better performance than your home computer, you know you’re in the presence of something special. These Blaze Pentium 1.0 Sneakers probably have a better processing speed than my PC. Designed by Gabriel Dishaw, these 15 pound shoes took three weeks to perfect. The Intel Pentium-inspired sneakers are currently for sale and are shipped with an equally ...

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Full-Sized iPhone Ocarina

You thought one measly iPhone and one measly app could be passed off as an actual Ocarina? Sorry Smule, we know you put your heart and soul into your Ocarina app, but this is the real deal. Using three iPhones and a specially built laser cut frame, the iPhone Ocarina is much closer to the real thing. Utilizing the iPhone’s ...

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Gene Simmons Tongue Hoodie: KISS Army Gear

Even though I was born in 1986, I’ve been rocking out to KISS since the late 70s? Not possible you say? It is if you happen to know the secret to time travel. A secret in which I’m about to reveal to you all. And that secret is (redacted by CIA). Ahhh, I feel better with that off my chest. ...

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Floating Fade-Out Chair is Perfect For Your Bare White Rooms

Using this chair to its full potential means painting a room completely white and stripping out any other furniture. Do I look like someone who isn’t lazy? The Fade-Out Chair is painted to appear as if it is floating in midair. The white leg bottoms appear in striking contrast to the chair’s dark wood finish. Is all of that worth ...

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