Arts & Design

The World’s Most Expensive iPhone

Anybody have around $3.8 million laying around? I’m a few bucks short. You know, tax and all. The iPhone 3GS Supreme is encased in 271 grams of 22ct solid gold. Featuring a front bezel brandishing 136 flawless diamonds, a total of 68 cts and the rear apple logo, set in solid gold, has 53 flawless diamonds totaling 1 carat total ...

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Arcade Game Expressionism

When geekism meets fine art, the results are usually breath-taking. Such is the case with Brock Davis’s Arcade Expressionism pieces, which reduce the 8-bit arcade images to their basic shapes and smudges. Above is Donkey Kong and after the jump you can spot Dig Dug and Missle Command.

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Stoplight Visually Counts Down the Seconds Until Go Time

There’s a reason everyone’s always trying to rush ahead of everyone else on the road. No one likes to get stuck at a stoplight unless they need to adjust their sack or something. The color red is considered torture to many impatient drivers. The Eko Stoplight includes a circular ticker which counts down the intervals until the light will turn ...

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Stuffed Animals with Vaginas

Making sweet, passionate love to our stuffed animals has never been this easy. We got sort of sick of stealing our kid’s toys and cutting holes in them. It just made us feel funny for some reason. Don’t ask me why. I mean, technically they’re our toys right? I mean, we paid for the damn things. So we might not ...

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DSLR Camera Concept Design Gets Ergonomic

Erin Fong’s Nova DSLR concept reestablishes everything we thought we knew about DSLR camera design and recreates it in a novel way. The Nova features a swiveling wing-like design which makes the device more ergonomic and, all-in-all, more stable. I imagine camera shake would also decrease with this design as both hands should balance and compliment each other well.

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Delicious Tomato Soup Shoes

Mmm mmm… good. These comfort shoes designed by Jeffrey Campbell (pretty apt last name) would go great with a pair of grilled cheese mittens. You can buy your own custom pair for $102.99. These have Kanye-style written all-over� them. These Warhol-inspired kicks are reasonably priced seeing as most pop-art crap is extravagantly priced. Link [via]

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LEGO Baseball Caps

While there’s no doubt I’d rock these New Era LEGO Caps by designer JC de Castelbajac like it were my job, I’m not sure that many of you would like the attention these caps would draw. Us geeks are traditionally a loner breed. We like to dwell in our own little world much of the time, so receiving the attention ...

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My Little Hunter

This Left 4 Dead / My Little Pony mash-up makes L4D almost, dare we say, adorable? The Hunter is just all the more terrifying when combined with a little Toola-Roola.

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Twilight Meets the MacBook

The fact that it took this long from someone to come up with this is sickening. What is so wrong with the youth these days that they need years to come up with creative Apple mods? Come on, guys. Stop slacking and get wit’ da muddafuckin’ times. This Twilight MacBook decal substitutes the apple on the cover of Stephanie Meyer’s ...

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