Seems acrylic bongs weren’t enough. Now acrylic case mods are all the rage. Of course, this also makes your computer easily modifiable and upgradeable because everything isn’t packed away in some wheel of cheese. Adding and removing cards, memory and storage has never been easier.
The acrylic cases were designed by Digital Cowboy who are calling it the Acrylic Cowboy. Several different styles are available, ranging from the standard orange platform, to the bad ass smoke gray design which places your motherboard at a special 25-degree angle, ensuring without any doubt that you’re one extreme dude. Now, if you put your PC in a black box case mod, you’ll be anything but extreme. They’re available in Japan from $37 to $101, but be warned, these case mods are not water-proof. Take a flight, don’t swim, or you’ll be drinking your own urine for hydration.