Tag Archives: software

Father And Son Arduino Flashlight Leash

What better way for a father and son to spend the Thanksgiving weekend together than to build a robot out of a tin can and an Arduino. As far as robots go, this little autonomous aluminum can seeks out light and moves in the direction of it. The creator cleverly refers to this as a “flashlight leash.” With an Arduino, ...

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iPhone 2.2 Update Makes NYC Life Easier

Living in New York, it’s quite frustrating when you just miss a train and are forced to wait for 25 minutes until the next one shows up. The latest iPhone update apparently can tell you when the next train departs when you use Google Maps. This is a really neat feature that I praise Google for doing. The real question ...

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Lock ‘Em Out With Text Messaging

If someone ever stole my car, I’d wish for a feature that would allow me to cause my car to blow up via text message. That’s kind of the idea behind Lenovo’s latest notebook feature: Lenovo Constant Secure Remote Disable Feature. Important data on your computer that you can’t have falling into the wrong hands? A porn library you can’t ...

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Fallout 3 DLC Officially Announced

Already Bethesda is announcing details of its first plans for Fallout 3 downloadable content for both the PC and Xbox 360 (Sorry PS3 owners!) In addition to the expansion, Bethesda is also throwing in the long-awaited dev kit for PC users. Named the G.E.C.K. (Garden of Eden Creation) kit, this will allow players to mod the game and come up ...

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Pentagon Hack Attack

Duck for cover! The Pentagon has been the victim of a cyber attack! The weapon in question is a hybrid computer worm rapidly spreading throughout the Pentagon’s thousands of interconnected defense computer networks. No worries, though. The Department of Defense has taken steps to slowing the worm’s advancement by quarantining networks and systems until its removal. Though the entry point ...

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The iPhone Now Walks

Listen, dude. Forget everything you heard about the iPhone. Forget the apps, forget the voice recognition calling, forget everything because all of its capabilities and features have just been outdone. A Japanese software engineer named Kazu Terasaki has given his iPhone the ability to walk. Yes, he’s turned his iPhone into a kick ass robot that takes baby steps. Because ...

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Google Cans “Lively” Project

Say goodbye to Google’s attempt at making a virtual social network. Announced back in July, Google is now closing the door on its Google Labs project “Lively” at the end of this year and says it wants, quote: “to ensure that we prioritize our resources and focus more on our core search, ads and apps business.” I guess it’s back ...

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The New Experience Has Arrived

If you turned on your 360 yesterday, you probably were flabbergasted at the new interface that’s been getting some mixed reviews. Whether or not you like the new dashboard interface matters not, the new experience is here to stay. Don’t forget to fashion your new Mii-like avatar to look like your least favorite dictator. Mine is a spitting image of ...

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Numark’s Latest “DJ In A Box”

Years upon years ago, I sold my bass amp and bought a couple of shitty Numarks with a shitty mixer and started DJing. It was a blast and I’ve never regretted it. But now that we’re moving into the 21st century, it’s time to ditch the belt-driven turntables of the past and embrace the digital movement. Numark’s “NUMARK TOTAL COMPUTER ...

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Software I Actually Bought: MediaLink

I have to come clean for a minute. I haven’t purchased any Mac or PC software in well over three years. I’m a pirating machine and I’d like to think I do it very well. However, I recently got a demo of some software called MediaLink from Nullriver Software. It essentially links my Macs to my Playstation 3 out in ...

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