Tag Archives: prank

iPhone Cell Stickies Help Glorify Your Existence

We already know we are the greatest human beings in the universe, but it would be nice to hear it from other people too. The problem is that we don’t hear anything even close to that claim from our friends or even our own mothers.� So why not get a little help at proving what we already know to be ...

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A Thong For Your Ex-Girlfriend

I’m sure you and your friends think your ex is a real cunt, but is that any way to talk to a lady? Absolutely not. Alternatively, you could get her this thong. Aside from the fact that a thong just screams class, this one says “YOU ARE VISITOR: 002637” on the front part. She’ll not only hate you getting it ...

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Blizzard Takes Pranking To A New Level, Thinks You’re An April Fool

Blizzard went all out this year for their April Fool’s day festivities, and I am loving it! Blizzard has released four April Fools’ themed pranks on their official website. Have you heard about the new face-melting Bard hero class in World of Warcraft which integrates Guitar Hero-like gameplay to the MMO? Or how about that Blizzard will be giving WoW ...

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Google Goes Back To The Future…Again With April Fool’s Prank

Google never ceases to amaze with their annual April Fool’s antics, and this year, the search giant brings the joke right to their main search page on their Australian domain. Launching a new “service” called gDay, which shows you tommorows search results, before they happen. We’re sure this will come in handy for those who play the lottery or gamble ...

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Gygax Is Gone, But His Spirit Lives On In The Mind Of MIT Nerds

The death of Dungeons And Dragons’ creator Gary Gygax left a void in the nerd community which might never be filled. His death has not only led to the newest edition of the game guide to be a pre-ordered hit, among the top selling books on Amazon, but has led some to conduct their own memorials. A group of students ...

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Desktops At Starbucks: You’ve Been Punk’d

If you’re one of those trendy little shits that camps out at Starbucks to steal their WiFi, you know that the cafes are crowded with others just like you. Notebooks in hand, ready for some free Internet access. A few pranksters from the comedy troupe Improv Everywhere set up house at a Starbucks, fully equipped with full desktop computers and ...

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