Tag Archives: pollution

Oh Noes! My House Is Walking Away

A mobile home is hardly a house. It’s a truck with a bed inside. On the other hand, the N55 WALKING HOUSE is the premier modular dwelling system. In addition to its ability to slowly troll surrounding landscapes, it collects energy by using solar cells and small windmills. There is even a system for collecting rain water and another for ...

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Why Stay Homeless? Get A Skip

Oliver Bishop-Young, a Goldsmiths University graduate, demonstrated projects regarding skips at the New Designers showcase in London earlier this month. For those not familiar with a skip or what it is, simply put: it’s a dumpster. With the massive amount of idle skips laying around the city and all the crap we throw into landfills, we might as well get ...

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ELPA warns geeks of the carbon dioxide they give out

Japanese company ELPA has introduced a meter that plugs between your AC and your electric appliance to measure the amount of electricity drawn out. Apart from just measuring the usual energy consumption over time in Watts, it also tells you how much you should be expecting to pay – in terms of yen according to standardized Japanese power charges. What’s ...

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Sanyo household air purifiers remove VIRUS from air

Sanyo Japan announced today that they have started to commercialize their proprietorial virus-removal technology onto their line of air purifiers as well as air-conditioners. A regular air purifier removes dusts, if the pores on the sieve gets smaller, it can pick up flower pollens or even some bacteria. If you want to move up one level, we have sieves with ...

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Clarins protects your skin from WiFi, Bluetooth, Radar, Cellphone radiation and air pollution

French cosmetic conglomerate Clarins has recently introduced a new patented beauty product dubbed Expertise 3P. Supposedly this solution will protect your skin from aging due to Electromagnetic waves as well as air-pollution. The secret lies in the active ingredients Thermus Thermophillus and Rhodiola Rosea which are extracted from plants. We have no idea if this thing really works, neither do ...

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