Tag Archives: mushroom kingdom

Super Mario Anime

The Japanese surely love their Super Mario Bros. We’ve seen renditions inspired by the more feudal days of Asian culture, but yet the culture clash continues. This time around the Mushroom Kingdom has been anime-tized. Basically, if Super Mario and Pokemon switched places in some parallel universe, this would likely be the result. This concept might not have been too ...

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The Tonight Show’s New Backdrop

I’m a big Leno fan and also a Conan fan. While it was hard for me to watch Leno give up the keys to The Tonight Show, I’m sure Conan will do just fine. Already he’s making me grin with his new backdrop, which is clearly inspired by the Mushroom Kingdom from the Mario Bros. titles. Did anyone catch this ...

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Homemade Papercraft Mario Board Game

Two things can make a man fall to his knees: video games and women. That’s why when I saw designer Ashley Buerkett’s Mushroom Kingdom board game, I instantly fell in love. First off, let’s focus on the intricacies and details involved here. Two NES controllers, a castle, mushrooms and a landscape right out of Yoshi’s Island. To boot, it’s all ...

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