Yesterday we shared some Google tips and tricks to help you to navigate your way around the web and today we found a handful of tips to help with iOS navigation too!
Read More »Search Results for: google logo
How to Use QR Codes to Spruce Up Your Marketing
You may think QR codes are an eyesore or a little blah when incorporated into your marketing and advertising materials. When taken at face value, a plain black and white QR code doesn’t add a whole lot of aesthetic to your overall design. What many people don’t know is that you can create customized QR codes with a variety of colors, designs and themes that can add a fun and engaging element to your graphic designs and marketing work.
Read More »Unevenly Distributed: Chrome, the iPad and the Crossroads of Civilization
On October 7th, 1930 � slender and bright; like a string tense and silent in anticipation of the purpose of her note � Beatrice Warde was introduced to the British Typographer's Guild. The speech she gave would change the way people thought about type for the next fifty years... and should be burnt into the flesh of anyone who is making a gadget to this day.
Read More »So, The Current Pac-Man is an Impostor?
Most of you won’t know this, as up until now it was privy knowledge to only a few lucky souls. The man we have come to know and love as Pac-Man is not the character we thought he was. Back in 1982, as the original Pac-Man was living the rock star lifestyle courtesy of his new found fame, there was ...
Read More »If Twitter Were a Book from the 60s and Other Retro Web Services
There’s something about vintage-styled book covers that really grabs your attention. Especially when the vintage style meets modern technology. What if modern web services happened to be books from the 60s? Don’t ask me how, just pretend that by some stretch of the imagination, these web services were inspired by vintage books. The resulting book covers would have likely looked ...
Read More »Gmail Beta is No More, But You Can Have It Back
Feeling a little insecure without the friendly Gmail beta logo to keep you warm (if you haven’t heard or noticed, it’s gone, baby, gone)? No worries. Google Labs has already got you covered. Featured under their lab tools is a new widget called “Back to Beta,” which adds the “beta” signifier back to the logo, making you feel all snugly ...
Read More »Afternoon Linkage for January 29th, 2009
You have until TOMORROW to enter our Killzone 2 contest, so GET ON IT! A creepy photo of a robot chick Turn an 8 Track into a CB radio A Toyota Prius can be used as a generator Exploring Hyundai’s logo You can do that with ice?? Google Maps was used to bust a pot-growing operation Wait, Helio is still ...
Read More »ASUS Hopping On The Android Bandwagon
Out of left field comes an announcement that ASUS is producing a Google Android-equipped cellphone. There’s not many details available on the device, except that it’ll launch during the first half of 2009. Until then, all we can do is wait and kill time by photoshopping Android screenshots onto HTC devices. Link
Read More »Motorola Readying Android Phone
Little is known about Motorola’s Android endeavor but the public will surely welcome another Google phone. Word on the street is that Motorola is preparing a touchscreen iPhone competitor that will run the Android OS and will feature a full QWERTY keyboard. Unfortunately, the unnamed phone won’t be available until Q2 2009, so don’t hold your breath. Link
Read More »Snowl: Mozilla’s Take On Messaging In Your Browser
Is there anything Mozilla doesn’t create that facilitates your web surfing experience? Firefox 3 came out back in June, yet Mozilla is still working hard to provide its users with top end interactivity for its interweb softwares. Now, Mozilla wants to take its browser to the next level with instant messaging integrated into your web browsing. It’s called Snowl, that’s ...
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